Tuesday 26 May 2015

Canadian Club

After a bleak week at work I decided to call a holiday on Friday to welcome our friends Dan and Sara (www.worldwideride.ca) to our humble abode on Friday. I must say it was weird, here are two fellow travellers (still travelling unlike us!) who we first met for a beer in Panama rolling up to Casa Rondelli on the same bikes. We met them again in Vancouver when Sara was back working for a short while and Dan was…..enjoying himself. Really great to have them in our home for a few days, Friday we took them to Queensferry to see the famous Forth rail bridge which of course they hadn’t heard of. My god, what passes for education in the colonies these days? Neither had they heard of Moniaive so we headed to this bustling metropolis to the sidecar rally, Fiona bravely sitting in the chair whist a complete lunatic piloted it (me). Great time at the rally, worth a mention was the punk / ska bands whose average age was higher than mines, great crack and excessive drinking.
As we took off on Sunday, I tried the crash ability of the outfit by driving directly into some dustbin’s at the side of the road, unknown to me Dan had been up early in the morning and put a huge magnet in one of them to attract the chair to it, minor adjustments alter we were on our way having brightened up everybody’s Sunday morning (except Fiona as she was still in the chair)
Another party night Sunday with Fi’s family visiting, and then a high speed chauffeured tour of Edinburgh on Monday with Fi in the driving seat looking after us. I have to say I reluctantly climbed a mountain as well, I survived without oxygen or a Sherpa to help me and now I can claim to have climbed a small part of Arthurs seat.
Lunch in the town and then a superb dinner at Bert and Laurenne’s house topped off a great weekend. A struggle to keep focused at work today but luckily tomorrow we are off to Ireland for the Norton International Rally, life can be hard.
If you spot a couple of homeless Canadians this week on their BMW’s (the giveaway is the British Colombia numberplates) say hi, the tall blokey one is Dan and the petite girly one is Sara, they’ll be visiting a monument near you soon.   

The Pederson’s arrive, both with nice new Bumot panniers

Dan’s first ever Irn Bru

It seemed to affect his riding style somewhat

Fi was sitting backwards in the sidecar taking these, very brave

The team do Dinner (very good it was too)

Helped by the wine

Fi just checking Norrie’s properly dressed

A panorama of sidecars

The ladies after climbing the mountain

Edinburgh and its not raining …superb

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