Sunday 15 February 2015


[Please scroll down for the English version]

Zacatecas beidzot mēs to dabūjām. Dabūjām ilgi gaidīto īstās Meksikas sajūtu. Vismaz tik īstas cik mūsu galvas ir iztēlojušās – šauras ielas, maz tūristu, daudz vietējo, baznīcas, skvēri un dzīvība it visur. Pilsētā visu laiku kaut kas notiek un tā ir pilna kultūras, ne par velti tā ir viena no UNESCO pasaules mantojuma vietām. 

Staigājot pa Zacatecas šaurajām ielām, mēs aprunājām cik forši būtu dabūt VW vaboli, ja paliktu šādā pilsētā vairāk par pāris dienām/nedēļām. Cik gan patiesībā mēs gribētu palikt tik lielā attālumā no okeāna vai normāla lieluma ūdens peļķes ir cits jautājums, bet varbūt kādu dienu. :)

Zacatecas was finally were we got it. We got the long awaited feeling of real Mexico. At least as real as our imagination goes – narrow streets, couple tourists, lots of locals, churches, squares and life everywhere. It’s a very vibrant and culturally rich town, no wonder its historic center is UNESCO world heritage site.  

While roaming around the streets of Zacatecas we thought about how awesome it would be to get a VW bug if we decided to stay in city like this for more than few days/weeks. Not sure if we actually would enjoy life away from ocean for extended period of time, but maybe someday. :) 

[LV] Viens no mūsu labākajiem atradumiem – augļu bode. Lai paietu garām tai, nav īpaši jāpiepūlās, jo ieeja ir necila un labi ja 1m plata. Bet Cilvēki lieliski, cenas ir patīkamas un veikals tika apmeklēts katru dienu. :)
[EN] One of our best finds was this fresh fruit store. The entrance was no more than 1m wide and it would be so easy to miss it, but lucky we found it. The people who worked there were great and very welcoming, prices were excellent and we paid visit every day while we were in town :)

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