Friday 5 December 2014

Skaistais Briesmonis | The Beautiful Beast | Yellowstone

[Please scroll down for the English version]

Yellowstone pilnīgi noteikti ir viena no skaistākajām vietām Ziemeļamerikā, pat iespējams visā pasaulē. Mēs izbaudījām katru mirkli, ko tur pavadījām un labprāt tur atgrieztos pārskatāmā nākotnē. Tomēr Yellowstone zem sevis glabā noslēpumu. Cik lielu noslēpumu? Tādu, kurš ir spējīgs iznīcināt visu dzīvo lielākajā daļā Ziemeļamerikas un ieviest vispārēju haosu atlikušajā pasaules daļā. Šo briesmoni sauc par Yellowstonas super-vulkānu. Yellowstone bez šaubām ir skaists briesmonis.
Yellowstone is with no doubt in our minds one of the most beautiful and most diverse places in North America and possibly in whole world. We loved it and would like to return some day in near future. But it hides a little secret, or more like a big one. How big? Well the secret that can wipe out humans kind from most of the North America and make life of those who are still alive (around the world) quite unbearable – it’s called Yellowstone Caldera, and it’s one of the world’s super volcanos. It’s the beautiful beast indeed.

[LV] Pēc aizvadītās nedēļas lietū un aukstumā, sailgojāmies pēc saules un zilām debesīm, tādēļ spiedām pedāli grīdā un devāmies uz Yellowstone Nacionālo Parku. Kā solīts laika prognozē – laiciņš tur cīši foršs.
[EN] After a week spent in rain and cold, we started to miss the sun and blue skies, therefore we pointed Astrid south to the Yellowstone National Park. The weather forecast didn’t lie to us (how often that happens?!). Weather was great!

[LV] Par Yellowstone simbola – bizoņu, trūkumu sūdzēties arī nevarēja. Tos redzējām pļavās un uz ceļiem. Gan vienus pašus, gan lielos baros. Mums bija iespēja redzēt šos lielos, it kā gausos dzīvniekus arī no komiskās puses – vārtoties zemē un pēc tam neveikli cenšoties piecelties, ošņājot dzeltenas puķes un tad izberzējot tajās savu galvu (nav normālas bildes jo abiem bija jāsmejas). Skaidrs ir viens, ka tas cik ātri ceļotāji var pārvietoties par parka teritoriju ir atkarīgs no bizoņu kustības. Viņi drasē pāri ceļam visai regulāri. :)
[EN] There was no shortage of the bison, the symbol of Yellowstone. :) Those gigantic beauties were everywhere – alone and in the herd, on the field and on the road. We had the chance to see these sort of sluggish animals from their funniest side – wallow on the ground and then awkwardly trying to get up, sniffing yellow flowers and then rubbing head in them (no normal photo because we had to laugh). One thing is very clear – the speed of travel in Yellowstone is dictated by movement of the bison. They are crossing the road on regular basis and they sure take their time while doing so.

[LV] Viens no mērķiem apmeklējot Yellowstone un tā apkārtni, bija izbraukt Lāča Zoba lielceļu (Beartooth Highway). Tas tiek uzskatīt par vienu no skaistākajiem ceļiem ASV. Bet pirms nokļūšanas tur nolēmām nogriezties sānceļā un uzbraukt Lulu kalnu pārejā. Skati tur tiešām iespaidīgi! ;)
[EN] One of our goals for Yellowstone, or more like around it, was to drive Beartooth Highway, which is one of the most scenic highways in US. But before getting there we took a detour and drove up the Lulu pass. It was a spectacular drive! ;)

[LV] Šī noteikti ir viena no mūsu mīļākajām fotogrāfijām. Ticiet vai nē,  bet atrodoties tur bija sajūta, ka tas uz ko skatāmies nav reāls. Tas bija kā skatīties uz fantastisku gleznu, kura mainās katru sekundi.
[EN] We love this picture and the memories it brings, but believe or not, this was one of the rare moments in our life when we looked at what surrounds as and it didn’t appear to be real at all. It was like looking at gorgeous painting that changes every second.

[LV] Beartooth lielceļš pats par sevi ir ļoti skaists, kas serpentīnā ved augšā kalnos. Augstākā vieta 3,337 m. Skati – neaprakstāmi skaisti.
[EN] Beartooth highway itself is really spectacular. With it’s zigzag’s and switchbacks it lead us up to the mountain tops. The highest point 3,337 m (10,947 feet). The views – unbelievable.

[LV] Beartooth lielceļš | [EN] Beartooth highway

[LV] Beartooth lielceļš – reizēm jāpārkāpj nožogojumam, lai redzētu vēl lieliskākus un no garāmbraucējiem paslēptos skatus.
[EN] Beartooth highway – sometimes you have to stop and look behind the fencing to see the hidden beauty.

[LV] Beartooth lielceļa iemītnieki | [EN] Inhabitants of Beartooth highway

[LV] Vilku skatīšana bija viens no galvenajiem mērķiem Dacei esot Yellowstonā. Pirmajā dienā, kad devāmies tos raudzīties mēs nedaudz nokavējām. Tieši pirms mūsu ierašanās tie bija iznākuši pie upes saulītē tik tuvu, ka nebija nepieciešami binokļi un tad atkal pazuduši koku ēnās. Mēs neatmetām cerības un nākamajā rītā agri devāmies tur atkal. Lai arī tālu un jāskatās ar binokļiem, mums bija tā fantastiskā iespēja redzēt vilku pāri ar sešiem kucēniem (pieci melni un viens pelēks). Nav mums īsti bildes, kurā tos varētu redzēt tuvumā, taču prieks, smaids un miers sirdi pārņem redzot veselīgus vilkus brīvā dabā – bagātība ko daudzi nenovērtē.
[EN] Wolf watching was one of the must-do things in Yellowstone for me (Dace). On our first attempt we missed them. Just before our arrival, they were by the river, so close that there were no need for the binoculars, and then they disappeared in the tree line. We didn’t gave up, and returned there on the next morning. Although it was far away and we needed binoculars to see them, we had this wonderful encounter with the wolf couple and their six cubs (five black and one gray). We have no picture that would show them up close, but happiness, smile and calmness took over seeing these healthy animals in wilderness – a treasure that many underestimate.

[LV] Yellowstone – Ziemeļamerikas antilopes | [EN] Yellowstone – Pronghorn

[LV] Rietum Yellowstone – Skaistums pirms vētras. | [EN] West Yellowstone – Beauty before the storm.

[LV] Excelsior geizera krāteris | [EN] Excelsior Geyser Crater

[LV] Parks ir arī pārbagāts ar dažādiem geizeriem, kas ir cits par citu skaistāks un interesantāks. Mūsu sirdīs iekrita viens, īpaši skaists karstais avotiņš – Grand Prismatic Spring. Šis avotiņš rotājas visās varavīksnes krāsās – zils, zaļš, dzeltens, oranžs un sarkans. Sākotnēji mēs to apskatījām tuvumā, taču bijām iepriekš redzējuši fantastisku foto no augšas, kas lika mums prātot kā to varētu apskatīt no augstākas vietas. Pamanījām pāris cilvēkus kalnā, tieši iepretim šim skaistumam. Nebija divu domu – mēs kāpjam tur augšā! Bruņojušies ar kamerām un ūdeni, iešļūcenēs dresējām taisni kalnā augšā. Visiem, kas nāca no kalna lejā un komentēja mūsu apavu piemērotību kāpienam paskaidrojām, ka lejā bija zīme “Kāpt tikai iešļūcenēs!”. :) Skats, kas paveras no augšas ir tiešām iespaidīgs. Krāsainais geizers nedaudz dūmoja, taču tas netraucēja baudīt tā skaistumu, iespējams pat piešķīra papildus burvību.
[EN] The park is full of geysers that are beautiful and fascinating. We enjoyed one very special and stunning hot spring – Grand Prismatic Spring. This spring demonstrates a rainbow of colors – blue, green, yellow, orange and red. On the beginning we looked at it up close, but we had seen an outstanding picture from above, therefore we were trying to figure out how to see it from higher ground. Oh boy that happy moment when we spotted some people at the top of the mountain on the other side of the spring. There were no question – we are heading straight to that place! Armed with photo cameras and water, in flip-flops, we went straight up the mountain. Those who came down the mountain and commented on our hiking gear we informed that there was a sign that said “Hiking in flip-flops only!”. :) The view that opens from the top is mesmerizing. The colorful spring was producing a little smoke, but that didn’t prevent to enjoy its beauty, it even gave additional flavor to it.

[LV] Neilgi pirms mūsu Yellowstone apmeklējuma beigām, mums par foršu pārsteigumu saņēmām ziņu no tuviem draugiem, kas sadomāja apciemot Yellowstone un mūs. :) Piezīmējam, ka ceļš no Vankūveras līdz Yellowstone ir 1,407 km un jābrauc apmēram 14 stundas, daudz… :) Sagaidījām trakuļus ar pankūkām un lieliski pavadījām laiku kopā. Ir pavisam cita kvalitāte vietai, ja to var baudīt kopā ar foršiem cilvēkiem! :)
[EN] Shortly before the end of our visit in Yellowstone, as a fantastic surprise, came the news from our close friends, who decided to visit Yellowstone and us. :) Have to note, that the drive from Vancouver to Yellowstone is 1,407 km (874.27 miles) long and takes around 14 hours. :) We awaited our crazy friends with pancakes and spent a wonderful time together. There is a different quality to the place, if you can enjoy it together with wonderful people! :)

[LV] Mammoth Karstie Avoti | [EN] Mammoth Hot Springs

[LV] Yellowstonā un tās apkārtnē var pavadīt daudz laika. Tā noteikti ir vieta, kuru vajag apmeklēt un atgriezies. :)
[EN] There is lots to do and see in and around Yellowstone. It is certainly a must visit place and one to return to. :)

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