Thursday 19 June 2014

Tanzania mania …….

Day 42 – L: Turn the light off……..That is what I woke up to. The sun was hitting the lake at such an angle that it beamed all the way up the 700 metres or so and shone into the gap at the front of the tent we stayed in. Amazing. What a shot. I […]

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Wednesday 18 June 2014

Retrospective Número Uno

When I find myself thinking of our trip, it comes back to me in bits and pieces that look something like this. People continue to ask us about our favorite parts of the trip, and I wish we could ‘wow’…
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Honduras: Camp Site List

Texaco Copan Date Visited: 04/27/2014 Location: 14.83915, -89.14773 (Altitude: 1972 feet) A texaco station with a parking area out back that they let you camp in. Very close to Copan. They have restrooms, non potable water, and even purified water (5 gallon jugs) for only 20L. We heard from friends you can even plugin here […]
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Tuesday 17 June 2014

Riding from El Salvador to Honduras

The border near El Poy, El Salvador is not a popular one for tourists. There are no fixers on the El Salvador or Honduras sides to help point the way, so it’s a good thing we have done our homework… Read More ›

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Copan Ruinas, Honduras

The Copan Ruins are near the Guatemala and Honduras border and lie in the fertile, green river valley of the Rio Copan. This Mayan city was the capital city of this kingdom for several hundred years from 500-900 AD. Copan… Read More ›

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Riding through Honduras

After spending a day at the ruins, and two nights in the small town of Copan Ruinas enjoying the local restaurants and beer, it’s time to move on toward the southern border. We plan to head east and a bit… Read More ›

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You’re buying your vehicle in Alaska? …ooh

Our flight arrived into Anchorage shortly after midnight. As we had flown north it had become gradually lighter and lighter, so that by the time we were coming in to land we could see the rugged snowcapped peaks receding into the twilight. The excitement was building—we were finally arriving in Alaska. Not being ones for […]

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Radio silence in the Serengeti

Hello Folks. I just had a satellite phone conversation with Mike.  He was bubbling with excitement.  Stories of the great “Serengeti Migration” and an out of this world wildlife experience have got him all thrilled with life.  I personally can’t wait to see the photos when he finds his way back onto the internet grid.  This will only be […]

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Riding through Honduras

After spending a day at the ruins, and two nights in the small town of Copan Ruinas enjoying the local restaurants and beer, it’s time to move on toward the southern border. We plan to head east and a bit… Read More ›

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Monday 16 June 2014

Diving Utila- Part 2

Diving in Utila was as cheap as the rumors lead us to believe. We did 12 dives each (six days) and the total for all the dives was about $530, around $25 for a two tank dive!  The diving in Utila was amazing for the variety of colorful coral, visibility, warm Caribbean water and diversity […]
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Return to VAN

Since Jen’s return its been pretty much life as normal.  Whatever “normal life” means to us now…  I took part in a few more neighborhood meetings and tours, trying to do what we can to make sure our neighborhood develops in a manner best for everyone.  A difficult task in …

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Ok, fine then …….

Day 39 – L: Suffice it to say…….that was a long and miserable night for me. Seems I caught the stomach flu that is going around in the village, maybe by shaking hands. S: I had been up with Lesley all night so when she was able to doze, I left her sleeping and got […]

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A day on the road

It’s been two months to the day since we bought SID, coincidently the same day we touched down in Africa. There have been days where we’ve questioned all the roads that led us here and funnily enough most days we spend quite some time questioning which roads to take us further on. There’s a lot […]

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06/04/2014 – 335 days/29137 miles

I woke up in Solo feeling perfectly fine, so I decided a trip to a doctor was not necessary…so, off to Gunung Bromo! Gunung Bromo (the name Bromo is derived from Brahma, the Hindu creator god) is an active volcano … Continue reading →

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Sunday 15 June 2014

Potosi Bolivia

The good news for today was that the 210 km out of Uyuni to the north and Potosi was paved! There is a 5 Bs toll here too. Leaving the salt we had 20 km of the dirt and then … Continue reading →

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  HONDURAS Capital – Tegucigalpa                       Currency – Lempiras                   Language – Spanish   11th February – We leave Nicaragua through a … Continue reading →

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Sunday June 1st saw the 89th running of the Comrades Marathon, an ultra-marathon between Pietermaritzberg and Durban. It is touted as one of the toughest ultra-marathons in the world, alternating each year with an up and down run. This year was a down run, from Pietermaritzberg to Durban (up runs cover the course in the […]

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A Toilet Trip To Remember

“Oh, arrrr, s*&%!” there is silence, Laws rolls over looks at Hook through a sleepy haze, “WHAT?”, “Bloody need to go to the toilet!” Hook grumbles. The knowledge that I have to get out of my warm bed, climb down the ladder and stubble to the camp toilet about 500m from our campsite and then […]

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Rural road to Rundu

I was up early to pack up and to see where I ended up , one idea was Roy’s camp outside Grootfontein , I was not sure yet. The rumblings of the King seemed far away this night so sleep washed over me and just like that I was up getting ready for the ride.   I said my […]

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Happy Cinco De Mayo! ” Que?”

“Happy Cinco De Mayo” I said to my Mexican friends. “Que? they said, looking at me quizzically. “That’s a Gringo holiday.” they all said and laughed. So of course I googled it and here’s what I found. It may surprise you. The 5th of May has become known worldwide as “Cinco De Mayo” — the […]

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Copan Ruinas, Honduras

The Copan Ruins are near the Guatemala and Honduras border and lie in the fertile, green river valley of the Rio Copan. This Mayan city was the capital city of this kingdom for several hundred years from 500-900 AD. Copan… Read More ›

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Light glorious Light..

Finished installing the NARVA  extreme driving lights last week, this week saw the 40″ light bar installed in the nose cone of the camper. A bit of aluminium work to get it in the right position but the result was definitely worth the modifications. If you haven’t seen one of these lights in action then […]
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After crossing the Oshoek border crossing into Swaziland from South Africa, we made our way to the Malolotja Nature Reserve. Malolotja is in the highveld on the edge of the Drakensburg mountain range. The nature reserve was lovely with hiking trails throughout. While none of the big five are present, there were many antelope and […]

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Off with the Fairies

It seems like an awfully long time since we were last sitting here in Cape Town, twiddling our thumbs and awaiting a phone call from Rodney, not knowing how long we’ll be extending our $16 a night dorm room. We returned yesterday after a wonderful 17 days on the road, following our noses and making […]

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Saturday 14 June 2014

De jongens (deel 2)

Josse is groot geworden, zijn baby buik is een strakke jongens buik geworden. Hij wandelt en rent mee met de rest. Hij heeft de stevigste en sterkste stappersbenen van ons vijven. Kent alle cijfers en letters, maakt vorderingen met lezen, tellen in drie talen (Nederlands, Spaans, Engels tot twintig) Heeft lange haren. Gaat helemaal alleen […]

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Our First Aid Kit

Still on the preparation mode we have put together a basic first aid kit.From my experience this would grow with the addition of local medicine that will be more effective in specific cases.So we stay minimal but not unprepared .In the list bellow I try to add the” medical” name as the brands may [...]

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Namibia: a photographic update

After the adventures in West and Central Africa, Namibia is a vacation. I picked up Mees from Windhoek airport two weeks ago, and we bushcamped, stayed at some very comfortable and some very basic campsites, had oryx and zebra steak for dinner, spotted lots of zebra, giraffe, warthog, baboons, kudu, springbok, oryx (gemsbok), and even a […]

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Jakob’s verjaardag

Het is nu een feit, we hebben onze eerste tiener in huis (voorlopig in de tent).  We hebben nog een dagje langer rust genomen op Hacienda Venecia om te kunnen genieten van Jakob zijn verjaardag.   Omringt door de prachtige koffieplantages brengt het zwembad verkoeling voor het zomerse weer.  We eten Nutella pannenkoeken taart en doen […]

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Friday 13 June 2014

06/02/2013 – 333 days/28865 miles

I headed up through the Dieng Plateau, a beautiful and quiet area, not too far outside of Yogyakarta (pronounced Jogjakarta, and often just called Jogja). The name Dieng comes from Di Hyang, which translates to “Abode of the Gods.” There … Continue reading →

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An Angolan enclave, a wicked town and many children (Cabinda & DRC)

The border crossing was a breeze on the Congolese side, we exchanged some money and entered the highly modern Angolan border complex. We did not really know where our passports went in between but eventually got them back already processed. Our tries of signing a vehicle insurance were a bit fruitless as we could only … Continue reading »
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Thursday 12 June 2014

Timothy Lake ~ Yet Again

We just can’t get enough of Timothy Lake. Once again, as our anniversary neared, we eagerly anticipated another amazing weekend in high mountain lake country. Part of the joy of Timothy Lake is the drive to the lake. The winding, … Continue reading →
Timothy Lake ~ Yet Again is a post from: The Next Big Adventure

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The Lobster...

Yes its a film and its not even out yet ! Not steaks this time but Lobster. I got them on special offer. Jan cooked them and had to show us how to eat them. Some tools were used. Phil had steak. I wish I had. [...]

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May in Pictures

Posting this very late!
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Colca Canyon: The Land of Condors

Colca Canyon in Peru has become world-famous for two different reasons. It is the second deepest canyon in the world (after a nearby canyon Cotohuasi). Also, it is one of the few places on Earth where you can watch Andean Condor … Continue reading →

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iSimangaliso Wetland Park – Maphelane

We wanted to share our experience in Maphelane because it was one of the highlights of our trip along the coast of South Africa. Maphelane is only 5km from St. Lucia, however, to get there you must take a major detour around the estuary which makes the trip about 90km. 90km doesn’t seem like that […]

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Georgia 1, 6-2014

Time warp!! The faster we go the more we get behind with our blogs, so we thought we’d bring you all up-to-date, since we are now getting deeper into places where anything can happen and often does. We will still be adding some of our experiences from Greece and Turkey as we go along. Georgia!! […]

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Wrestling on the Steppe!

We really needed the day off.  It’s quite draining being on the move consistently. After our short but relaxing hibernation the time came and we headed off into Tsetserleg, found an internet café and caught up on the mundane tasks that life in the western world requires – paying bills and responding to the plethora […]
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Generale repetitie / Final test

Natuurlijk hadden we liever een échte serieuze test gedaan in de Sahara en het Atlasgebergte in Marokko maar helaas was dat niet meer haalbaar. Het werd dus een weekend op een camping met biergarten aan de Rijn in Duitsland iets onder Bonn. De e…

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Kosmás, Peloponnese, Greece 2/2014

Driving north towards Mycene and Corinth, we could have followed the freeway, but we had read in one of our guidebooks about the little alpine village of Kosmás on the coastal route.  It was a pretty easy choice. Heading into the Párnonas Mountains, the tortuous two-lane road was very steep. Second and third gear travel […]

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From marshmallow kids … to Malawi

Day 35 – L: So last night while Steve was blogging, I decided to surprise him with a beer from the bar and buy myself a cider. Imagine my surprise when I took out 50 Kwacha and the barman told me that that was not going to do it…….63 Kwacha for 2 beers. That is […]

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Riding from El Salvador to Honduras

The border near El Poy, El Salvador is not a popular one for tourists. There are no fixers on the El Salvador or Honduras sides to help point the way, so it’s a good thing we have done our homework… Read More ›

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Roadside service

Dodoma stirs as the day  of rest arrives , I dance around the lady mopping around the breakfast buffet , comprising of many new , unseen or experienced dishes. Coffee , eggs and a West African sampler and I was on the road to Singida , my final stop before meeting up with my good friend Tim in […]

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Wednesday 11 June 2014

CO 1 – 2 Days 12 Kilometers

We had really been looking forward to Colombia. Right now, we just want to get the hell out of here. We were behind schedule when we crossed the border from Venezuela into Colombia. It was Saturday and we had an early start in order to get through Maracaibo in a timely fashion. The Kombi had […]

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Uyuni and the Salar de Uyuni

The next day we all went out to the train cemetery to check out the metal. This is a major attraction, which is 3 km outside of the town of Uyuni along the old tracks. In 1892 the tracks were … Continue reading →

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05/28/2014 – 328 days/28291 miles

After the day at Krakatoa, we continued on to the end of Sumatra to catch the ferry to Java. Once we were on the ferry and waiting to leave Sumatra, we noticed a guy (perhaps a bit mad?) in the … Continue reading →

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Tuesday 10 June 2014

Coming home

My friends here have a specific term we use when talking about the act of returning from a long trip: re-entry. I’m not quite sure who coined it (Sam? Lindsay?), but to me the breathless descent through the atmosphere that…
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Colombia (Jkes)

Na een uurtje vlot en vriendelijk papierwerk aan de grens rijden ook wij Colombia binnen. De glooiende heuvels veranderen al snel in hoog oprijzende bergkammen. We volgen een klein stukje de pan-americana en zien voor ons een file opdoemen waarop we zo snel mogelijk een zijstraatje indraaien. We komen in een klein gehuchtje terecht. Op […]

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Laguna La Cocha en San Augustin (Jkes)

We verlaten de pan-americana en rijden naar laguna La Cocha. Deze Laguna is het tweede grootste meer van Colombia. We ontdekken een gezellig dorpje met allemaal mooie houten huisjes. Het dorp is in twee verdeeld door een riviertje waarop houten bootjes dobberen die je voor een paar pesos naar Isla de la Corota brengen. Het […]

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De woestijn en de sterren (Jkes)

De Italiaanse kok van het restaurantje in San Augustin geeft ons een fijne tip en onze weg leidt naar Rivera waar we vele uren in heerlijke warm waterbaden liggen.  De jongens spelen, oefenen duiktechnieken en Jakob en Jerom nemen het op zich om Josse te leren zwemmen zonder zijn zwemvest. Ze spelen walvis, otter enz. […]

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Vlinders, paarden en kleurrijk Salento (Jkes)

Op aanraden van de hotel eigenaar, die waarschijnlijk vindt dat we er wat moe uitzien, gaan we naar een vlindertuin. We krijgen een rondleiding in een mini jungle van 15 hectare met 19 verschillende soorten colibries, vleesetende planten, bloemen en natuurlijk vele vlinders. Voor Jakob kopen we een pop (vlindercocon) die waarschijnlijk op zijn verjaardag […]

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