Monday 30 September 2013

Portobello y el carnaval. Panamá.

Portobello se encuentra ubicado en la Bahia del mismo nombre sobre el Mar Caribe en Panamá. Es un pequeño pueblo donde antiguamente funciono la Real Aduana Española, por su ubicación estratégica, fue el lugar elegido para guardar los tesoros de América...
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On the Road at Last

Part 1: The End of the Durban Era After ten days of waiting as our vehicle’s official entry into South Africa was delayed over and over, we were finally able to begin our trip in earnest. It was a great relief to get out of Durban. Although we were fortunate to be staying in a […]

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Uganda, national parks and foreigners

This post is intended for those independent travellers – like ourselves – who are interested in visiting the national parks in Uganda.  It is a magnificent country, and we fully intended to visit quite a few of the national parks. Our research into Uganda quickly revealed an...
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You’d be really unlucky to be born a guinea pig in Peru. Guinea Pig, or cuy in South America, is considered a true delicacy. It’s the ratty teeth and crispy little body I struggle to get to grips with. So far, I’ve passed on the opportunity. However, there have been plenty...
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La Paz Bolivia to the Jungle

After 13 dental visits (for Merv), it was finally time to leave La Paz Bolivia and head in the direction of the Central Highlands and further on into The Pampas and The Jungle. The day before we left Merv rotated the tyres on our truck and he noticed that our second fuel tank was loose, …...
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Brave Sir Robin in Tanzania

Our cardinal rule for this trip has been no night time driving. Unfortunately there had been quite a bit of congestion at the border into Tanzania which took a big chunk out of our morning and the one place we … Continue reading →

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Gear Review: Roasting Coffee on the Road

When we first started our blog nearly two years ago, we intended to do regular gear reviews. So far we’ve done a grand total of zero gear reviews, and have leaned more toward stories from the road. A few months ago, GSI Outdoors came to us and asked if they could help us out by [...]

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Tajikistan and the Pamir Highway – Dushanbe to Khorog


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Bragança, Portugal 8/13

Still following windy secondary roads over the mountains and passing through small villages, we finally came to the Portuguese border. The old Customs House was abandoned so we stopped for a picture and continued on to Bragança. Again it seems strange to cross these international borders...
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At the Horizons Unlimited Meeting in QLD

Since we have met at a Horizons Unlimited Travelers Meeting in Germany, we have always had a special connection to those meetings that exist in many countries around the world. So whenever there is a meeting taking place whilst we are travelling, we ar…

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Living Well in Luang Prabang

Luang Prabang is a place I loved, and yet am unsure if I ever want to return to. A UNESCO World Heritage Site of around 50,000 residents, the town sits at the confluence of the Mekong and Nam Khan rivers. … Continue reading →
Living Well in Luang Prabang is a post from: The Next Big...
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Horse-Riding Kyrgyzstan – Part 2 Photos of Naryn to Song Kul Lake

There is so much to tell from the last month horse-riding here. It has been a refreshing change to travel at a(n even) slower speed. It means more time spent camping in the hills besides rivers and a chance to see all the little details that you simply fly by on a bike. It’s good [...]

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Het is ongelofelijk,  maar onze reis door Afrika loopt ten einde. Februari 2011 zijn we gestart en via het Midden-Oosten naar Afrika gereisd. Op 1 oktober 2013 komen we aan in Jakarta, Indonesië. De reis naar Azi&e…

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Sunday 29 September 2013

Back in Europe - Greece & Albania

As you’ve seen from our border crossing / shipping post, we made it to Europe and Greece. And even if Israel in some ways felt quite European, arriving in Greece definitely took the edge of the adventure level. We quickly decided to skip the “easy” route involving a ferry to...
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Puebla de Santabria, Zamora, Spain 8/13

After surviving Pájaro Pass, we continued southwest to the Medieval town of Puebla de Santabria near the northeastern Portuguese border. Well known as one of the oldest settlements in the province of Zamora, its roots have been documented around 509 where it appears in a record from the...
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Hurrah! Eh?

Top 12 Manica Post (Mutare) Headlines To kick this chapter of with some light relief from the worlds most sensationalist newspaper (outside the UK) Police flee as Rapist turns into Baboon Prostitutes Demand payment in diesel Bank teller arrested for … Continue reading →

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The Darién Gap: Our Crossing From Central America to South America

The Darién Gap in green (image from Wikipedia)

Until recently, most of our family and friends who are following our adventure, didn’t realize that we wouldn’t actually be driving all the way to South America. Although there is land that connects Central...
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Where the Wild Things Are — The Last Safari

After the not-so-terrible Moyale Road, we knew we were counting down our final days in Africa. A stopover in Nairobi meant a requisite return visit to the David Sheldrick Foundation. Since the foundation opens the doors at night for a private viewing only for foster parents, we got to see...
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Saturday 28 September 2013

Road knits

We are now in Quito. I’m not going to go into details about how we got here (on the back of a flatbed). I’m not going to detail the outpouring of help that Juan tapped into via the local VW…
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Friday 27 September 2013

Into the big Apple

We left Cape Cod with a plan to camp at Mystic in Connecticut but when we arrived the campsite quoted us $42 which i thought was a bit steep so since it was still early we left there and found a local McDonalds to use the wifi for further research. Fio…

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Thursday 26 September 2013

Magical memorable moments

There are few words to describe this incredible experience … so we’ll leave it to pictures. Hopefully the slideshow will co-operate …

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Magical memorable moments

There are few words to describe this incredible experience … so we’ll leave it to pictures. Hopefully the slideshow will co-operate …

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Fahr-Statistik unserer Reise

Nach noch einigen herrlichen Tagen in Capetown – sind wir nun schon wieder zurück in der Schweiz. Da wir für das sortieren der Fotos noch einige Zeit benötigen – schon einige Eckdaten vorab.
Da wir viel besser durchgekommen sind als geplant – haben wir uns in...
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LA Story...

“”"Oh shit! Open season on the L.A. freeway!”"”One of my favorite quotes from the masterpiece of LA Story…..True to form its almost that bad on the highway here. I don’t like LA but today we’ve been to few places we’ve not been to before and its...
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Readers Stories – Worst Travel Experiences Competition

Recently I posted a blog about my Top 5 Worst Travel Experience. For fun I ran a competition to hear about your own stories. Here are the three lucky winners stories, as I decided to award them all first prize. Along with one more story. Each of the winners will receive a call from me, […]

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Bordercrossing US-Mexico with car and dog – the documents

We decided to cross the border at Tecate, about 40 miles east of San Diego. We had heard that that border-crossing would be quieter and easier to get through than San Diego – Tijuana. We stayed at the Potrero Campground a few days before we wanted to cross. Potrero county park is a...
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Day 191- Johannesburg- A quick one before the finale.

Howzit, My route over the last 191 days. Red is original planned route and the blue route is actual. Some stats: KM: 37861km Air/Boat/Bus/Train: 5547km Fuel Used: 1984L Photos Taken: […]

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Wednesday 25 September 2013

The beautiful Lake Bunyoni

After tumbling down the mountain from Rwenzori, we intended to spend some time in Queen Elizabeth National Park. Especially, we wanted to go on the Kazinga channel cruise – a two hour cruise on the channel that joins Lake George and Lake Albert. This was, however, not to be. Stopping...
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Tag 54-60

Wie schon mal angerissen – es lohn sich wohl nicht mehr – auch für die letzten Tage ein ausführliches Tagebuch zu führen. Denn wir schlemmten uns durch die Restaurant-Empfehlungen die wir in Langebaan bei den Kelly`s erhalten hatten – und machten jede Menge an...
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Peru 12 – Leaving the Cordillera Blanca for Trujillo and the north and on to the border with Ecuador.

4th August – Peru is prone to earthquakes due to its location on a geological fault that spans the entire length of the country.  During the earthquake of May 1970 tons of granite and ice fell from Huascaran’s north face, … Continue reading →

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Pájares Pass, Asturias, Spain 8/13

Leaving the beautiful Playa Merón, we headed south, following our GPS and several maps of Spain. The route we chose looked like a perfectly good secondary road. It was a hot day and we soon found ourselves climbing up 13% and 15% grades in 3rd or even 2nd gear to get around hairpin...
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Help us raise money for Against Malaria Foundation

So here we are in Balaka, Malawi, taking time out of our travels to lend a hand to our chosen charity, Against Malaria Foundation as they begin their next mosquito net distribution. As part of our travels, we were keen to find a way of giving something back and helping out where we could. We...
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Overstaying Our Welcome in El Valle de Antón, Panama

El Valle de Antón, sometimes called El Valle, was our higher elevation escape over the past month while we kicked around Panama. We ended up driving up to El Valle 3 times. Luckily, it is only 16 miles off the highway, so the actual distance wasn’t an issue. The drive is slow,...
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One year (a post with graphs)

Since as a few days ago it has been a year that we left San Francisco, I thought it was time for a post with graphs. These are all the places where we got gasoline. It shows all the places…
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Panama City Part 2

We packed up our few belonging and put them back in storage yesterday and headed from Vancouver to Panama City. After a night flight that arrived at 830 am we were bagged and headed to the hotel for a power … Continue reading →

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A Unique Day in the Country

My traditional krama scarf kept only some of the dust out of my nose and mouth as my motorcycle driver raced along the packed dirt road and I was soon covered from head to foot in the fine, grey powder. Jim … Continue reading →
A Unique Day in the Country is a post from: The...
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Crabs at Cape Cod

We were lucky enough to get a nice hotel at Cape Cod at around the price of most campsites we’ve stayed at so that was a bonus. We got chatting to the Manager and his wife when we arrived and like people everywhere  interesting people. Last night …

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Tuesday 24 September 2013

Easy Ecuador

We spent our last night in Colombia with this view. This is the Santuario de Las Lajas, just on the border of Ecuador and Colombia, near Ipiales. It’s not a new church (built between 1916 and 1949) but it is…
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Into the Abyss

I am sure at this point, people reading our blog are going to think, another post on hiking, BLAH! But honestly, that is what we have been spending the majority of our time in Alaska doing. I feel like on our hikes I have seen some of the most beautiful things on this trip so […]
The post...
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Peru 11 – The Cordillera Blanca – Chavin de Huantar, Yungay and Laguna Llanganuco.

1st August – We are visiting the village of Chavin today east of Catac, and the temple complex of Chavin de Huantar.  We pass an unusual passenger on this little motorbike before leaving Catac on an asphalt road, which takes … Continue reading →

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Mgahinga Gorilla National Park

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park takes its name from the middle of the three volcanic mountains that are in the park; Mount Gahinga. To the east of it is Mount Muhavura and to the west of it is Mount Sabinyo. A gahinga is a pile of rocks, and the name is a true reflection of what …
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Tag 53

Heute wollten wir eigentlich ans Kapp – aber natürlich waren heute neben den Touristen auch noch die Locals unterwegs – und der Verkehr war dem entsprechend. Also vertagten wir dass auf morgen, und widmeten uns dem Sighseeing, Shopping und leckeres Essen :-)

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Internet in the US

When we re-entered the States two months ago we shopped around at the various providers for the best internet solution. We had tried the mifi solution with T-mobile in our first three months, but that was such a disappointment which only worked while in cities, that we wanted something else. We...
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Sidi Ifni, Morocco

  Getting the visa for Mauritania was a bit of a pain as it meant to drive back north to the clean and more orderly but quite boring capital Rabat. After queuing up for quite a while at a kind of hole in a wall in front of the Mauritanian embassy we acquired the necessary … Continue...
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Monday 23 September 2013

Istanboel en Zwarte Zee

Istanboel [...]

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Quechee, Boston and now Cape Cod

We really had a great weeks motorcycling last week, riding through Vermont and New Hampshire, we stayed in a nice campsite in Quechee for a couple of days. Pleasant during the day but cold at night, we had a fire both nights to keep the cold and insect…

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Schmugglin’ Schmucks

We had twenty four hours to pack our bags, weigh them to make sure they didn’t exceed the airline weight limit, drop Brady off at…

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Sunday 22 September 2013

Santander, Spain 8/13

As some of you may recall, when we were camped at Playa Merón, we mentioned the wonderful market in Santander. It might be one of the largest and most fascinating in Spain. The whole lower section is devoted to seafood, everything from fresh squid, barnacles, and whole bunches of strange...
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Malawi – The Warm Heart of Africa

Day: 165 KLMS: 25,155 Despite being one of the poorest African countries, Malawi is known as the ‘warm heart of Africa’ and also ‘Africa for beginners’ due to the laid back and peaceful people. However, our first 24hours in Malawi, was not quite the ‘Warm...
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Addis Ababa to Nairobi via Moyale/Marsabit

We started very early in the morning on Saturday 14th September, trying to dodge the Addis traffic. Although we went to bed around 10 we still had a noisy night with the party and did not slept too well. We … Continue reading →

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