Sunday 31 March 2013

Nuevo Arenal

After 9 months on the road together we actually were going separate ways for a week. Dan was headed back to kite surf up north at Playa Copal and I was headed to Nuevo Arenal on the lake for some relaxation and a cooler climate after 2 weeks of op...

Day 23… Mouila to Oyem – Deep in the Gabon Jungle

Day 23

My Route over the last 2 days since leaving Mouila…

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Day 21…Mouila

Hi Everyone,

I have been discharged from the hospital today. After 3 days of Coartem treatment I was not getting better so I checked in at the hospital.

I am trying to find a hotel for tonight to rest some more.

Should be ba...

When in Rome

Colosseum, Rome, Italy

We start our day in Orbetello with a small caffè and a moment saying goodbye to our furry friend who’s been ca...

LIFESAVER Jerry Can water purification system – sponsor

So we say thanks to “Greer” at Lifesaver Systems for your partial sponsor, we’ve had time now to test the jerry cans on “Egyptian Nile Water” and it seems as if we’ve all stayed healthy over the last few weeks.

They fit next to my diesel jerry can...

Route – Africa


13th March – Nuweiba 10pm via fast ferry from Aqaba Jordan

15th March – route 15 East Sinai desert to Dahab.

17th March – Dahab to Sharm el Sheikl but bypassed the town and headed to the west side of the Sinai to Ras S...

El Salvador: the little country with a big heart

Why is that I never have any pictures of us in the heat of the moment, when my moto is laying on its side, mirror spun around, GPS kitty wompass and my pannier dented to hell?  It’s because when you have a knarly wipe out, the immediate reaction i...

Marathon Man...

Julie has a (mother of all) toothache and has had it for a few days. She can't sleep due to the pain and of course its a holiday weekend. Luckily the owners of the campsite know people and got one t...

Dongola - Sudan

Popoyo, Nicaragua

Finally make our way to the end of the dirt road.  We pull into NicaWaves, a little popoyo surf camp a...

On reaching Cape Agulhas

There was a certain amount of sadness today.

The last 5 days have been an emotional roller coast ride.  On Sunday, we flew down to Cape Town in anticipation of being reunited with ou...

Cooking in Paradise

Undoubetedly our favorite evening on our recent family trip to Mexico was the night we took a cooking class at Robert & Dolores Brittingham’s house.

Formerly from Seattle, Robert & Dolores have called Puerto Vallarta home since 2002...

Friday 29 March 2013

The US of A where big is beautiful — Bryce, UT

Diriamba, Nicaragua

We finally drive south from las penitas and stop in Leon for supplies.  

We actually start our day with some much needed bus maintenance and a tire rotation, but are underway soon enough.  The market in leon is g...

The Toughest Place on Earth | Danakil Depression

The Danakil Depression

Thursday 28 March 2013




In a Costa Rica Minute

Costa Rica the birthplace of mass marketed eco-tourism, the two-week vacationers’ cloud forest dream, the overlander’s nightmare.  After a week and half here, we are still unsure how we feel about the tourist be...

See what our clients are saying about our Belize Expeditions.

We are proud to present this review to you we received via Tripadvisor.



See what our clients are saying about our Belize Expeditions.

We are proud to present this review to you we received via Tripadvisor.



See what our clients are saying about our Belize Expeditions.

We are proud to present this review to you we received via Tripadvisor.



See what our clients are saying about our Belize Expeditions.

We are proud to present this review to you we received via Tripadvisor.



See what our clients are saying about our Belize Expeditions.

We are proud to present this review to you we received via Tripadvisor.



Corruption for dummies

Cotonou, Littoral Department, Benin.
Roadblocks, otherwise known as 


We met our first overlanders for ages in Uyuni and theres a photo of their self built truck below. Pretty amazing what you can do with an old army flat bed Iveco.

We went and messed around on the...

The Adventures of Salami Man (Part 1)

Ethiopia, the homeland of Haile Selassi, is the heartland of Rastafarianism. As such Addis Ababa it is still firmly in the thrall of the Reggae that Selassi brought back from his exile in Jamaica. Before Reggae however the music heritage lay in Ja...

“Nigeria is a very dangerous country”

Nigeria is a very dangerous country”, or so we had been told by many people throughout Africa

Sayulita, Mexico Jungle Expedition Nov 2013 seats now available.


Sayulita, Mexico Jungle Expedition Nov 2013 seats now available.


Tuesday 26 March 2013

Stuffed Apples - Recipe

baked appleServes: 4
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook ...

Brodie is back!

Brodie is back!

After a long wait we received confirmation from our contact Keith that the vessel had docked, the container had been unloaded, and that it was now waiting for us at t...

Exploring Kruger on foot

After the poor experiences of National Parks in Senegal, we were looking forward to visiting the wondrous parks of Southern Africa.  Kruger Park is a real favourite of ours, and particularly the opportunity to enjoy wa...

Monday 25 March 2013

To the US and back

Last week I went to the US. I was in the jury for SIGGRAPH, and also wanted to reenter the country before hitting the six month mark. I’m on a greencard and the INS likes it better that way.

I spent four days in San Francisco and three in a...

Las Peñitas, Nicaragua

Our time in Nica has been spent slowly passing the days staring at the ocean.  It’s hot here.  Very ho...

Reflections, Volcanos and Views in Chile

We were traveling north along the Pan American Highway known as Ruta 5 in Chile. This road goes from South to North along most of the country. Roads that branch off Ruta 5 go to loads of interesting places, and we decided to make a side trip through ...

Gear Review: Goal Zero Guardian 12v Solar Recharging Kit

For this month’s gear review, I’m testing out the:

Guardian 12v Solar Recharging Kit from Goal Zero!

If there’s one issue with remote travel by vehicle, it...

Antarctic trucking

Last season I was more or less (except for the most amazing bonus in the world) stuck in the dining tent as a kitchen assistant and dish washer. This season I signed up to work in the Mechanical department, and the idea was that I would be out drivin...

Samara Costa Rica

Leaving the dust and heat of Nosara we retreated to the beach at Samara. This was a 28 km ride down a VERY dusty dirt road. Dan is on the up hill and looking back at me down hill. I’m trying to stay back out of Dan’e dust cloud. The conditions wer...

Immigration Hoopla in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

We reached Addis! After picking up Margot, a friend from San Francisco, we dropped our bags at Wimms Holland House. Notorious as the overland camping site, the place has fallen a bit in amenities and hygiene. But it’s right in the middle of...

Hand to Mouth

Hand to Mouth

Sunday 24 March 2013


500 days!

Today we celebrate 500 days on the road!
People often ask, ‘what have been the best bits?’ Impossible to answer. They range from huge awe-inspiring sights – like hiking an active...

A Tale of Two Black Dogs

Our lives have become busier and more hilarious since we added Aspen to the pack and became a two dog family. Although Porter and Aspen immediately got al...

USA - Ankunft in Florida

Tales of a Travelin’ Dog

Looking back at our blog posts, I realized that we don...

Dumb and Dumber....

There we were driving round town in Tarija and a policeman jumps out and asks for the driving licence of the "conductor" (driver in English). He's at Julies side of the car as always. I hand my lice...

Saturday 23 March 2013

Valdes Peninsula

The Valdes Peninsula has the reputation as being one of the best places to see marine mammals in the world. It is also an amazing whale watching destination – in the second half of the year – but there were no whales around when we visited.

Valdes Peninsula

The Valdes Peninsula has the reputation as being one of the best places to see marine mammals in the world. It is also an amazing whale watching destination – in the second half of the year – but there were no whales around when we visited.

Routes Of The World 2013-03-23 14:36:47