Wednesday 30 January 2013

Hanging out in Antigua

We are still in Antigua hanging out with GuateRider and GuateRider Girl. We cannot stop taking pictures in this lovely colonial town. They took us for a ride on Sunday to the La Reunion Golf Course for breakfast with an amazing view of the three ...

Old Axle/New Axle: What’s the diff?

GPS Mapping in Latin America

We have met people who have been overlanding without GPS and everytime without fail we have a conversation with each other after the event where we call them crazy.

There are also people that we have met that just haven’t got the message th...

Puerto Escondido and Surrounds, Oaxaca

We finally made it out of zipolite (but didn’t go far). 

And…it was only 2 weeks later than we thought we’d leave.  Jen finally caught the mechanic grabbing his morning beer and made sure he was swinging by in th...

Car Insurance in Canada and USA (3)

The nightmare is finally over.. We found our car insurance for Canada and the USA. I don’t think I have ever been so relieved as when I saw the email coming in that said ” Dear Erica, please find below our quote…” . And it is a good quote too. Adm...

More Other Overlanders

Some more pictures of others overland vehicles:

1930's Overlander with Rooftop te...
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Tuesday 29 January 2013

Unstoppable! Discovering Oaxaca.

After driving almost non stop from Mexico City  to Oaxaca, we arrived to much of a surprise. The trucks ran absolutely perfect through the mountainous passes. “Unstoppable” many times I though in my head as I even passed cars on the long rolling h...

From the city to the highlands.

After exploring Mexico City for several days it was time to move on to the highlands. “ Oaxaca” was calling our names.


Jungle Jaunt

I awoke from my slumber feeling relieved.  My fears of being violated by cockroaches during the night did not come to fruition and, to my surprise, I had slept peacefully.  Of course that could be due to my position in the hammock.  Zach might not...

Carretera Austral: Cerro Castillo to Villa O'Higgins

A view along the Carretera Austral.

Start: Jan...

El Calafate and the Glaciers

Spegazzini Glacier

Monday 28 January 2013

Truckin' Hell

Car Insurance Canada and USA (2)

The nightmare continues.. After all the negative response on our request for insurance when arriving in Canada, we decided to reschedule our vehicle to arrive in the US. That was easily done. Same ship, same company, same cost, just one port furth...

Magic in the wetlands – Okavango Delta, Botswana

Over landing Africa is an amazing, and often challenging way to travel. Spending the time to drive the arduous route from Nairobi through Tanzania, following the lake in Malawi before veering SW into Zambia, Zimbabwe and Botswana. Continuing through ...

Botswana Part 1

Kalahari N.P.

We were quite excited fir this one, and boy were we treated. We were in the park for all of three nights and our sightings included a big Kalahari male Lion with a thick black ...

Savuti…….mind blowing!!!!

Things just could never have been better in Savuti. If you ever were wondering about coming to this region at this time of year…..then go to SAVUTI!!!!!!


Sunday 27 January 2013


Now for the BEACH! we set out from Antigua in a pleasant 24, but as we drove closer to the coast it was 35 degrees. The ride here is nice and with very few of the dreaded tope. You pay a 5Q toll to cross the bridge over the canal in the mangroves ...

Museus em Washington

Na área do National Mall, em Washington DC, há mais de 10 museus e todos com entrada gratuita. Infelizmente não tivemos tempo para conhecer todos. Visitamos dois museus: o National Museum of Natural History e o National Air and Space Museum.



A história americana contada em memoriais

Essa semana nós vimos pela TV a posse do presidente Barack Obama. De acordo com a Casa Branca, 1 milhão de pessoas compareceram a cerimônia pública que aconteceu no National Mall. Repito, não vou falar de política aqui no blog, mas achei bacana comen...

NORDKAPP.......Top of the World.

"It's All Downhill From Here".

Big Guatemala to little Belize — Placencia, Belize

Guatemala - Von der Vergangenheit in die Moderne

our search is over

Okay, far from it.  But as we walked the beach last night in awe of what we guessed had to be one of the best sunsets we’ve ever seen (we seem to have a lot of those lately), and then later at camp under a blanket of st...

Carly comes to visit! Part 2 – Laguna LLaganuco, Chavin Ruins, y mas!


Saturday 26 January 2013

World Record Attempt

Hi Folks..

Sorry its been ages since I updated the blog!! I have been putting up regular updates on facebook and daily updates recently.

I have a few tales to tell about Peru and Bolivia, but I will have to back track to update you on...

Friday 25 January 2013

Tough Miles Blog 21: Ecuador Peru


Jon here:

Day 216, Friday 23rd November, it felt great to be back on the road. After the miraculous repair job p...

Say Guat??

Crossing the border into Guatemala has been the easies...

Friends in high places

It seems like we spent the last week meeting old friends and making new ones.

One thing about sleeping in your vehicle while traveling is that you end up doing the RV park/campground trail. We love to park for the night in some street or in...

Friends in high places

It seems like we spent the last week meeting old friends and making new ones.

One thing about sleeping in your vehicle while traveling is that you end up doing the RV park/campground trail. We love to park for the night in some street or in...

Friends in high places

It seems like we spent the last week meeting old friends and making new ones.

One thing about sleeping in your vehicle while traveling is that you end up doing the RV park/campground trail. We love to park for the night in some street or in...

Friends in high places

It seems like we spent the last week meeting old friends and making new ones.

One thing about sleeping in your vehicle while traveling is that you end up doing the RV park/campground trail. We love to park for the night in some street or in...

Relaxing at Djidjack

Djidjack, Senegal

Thursday 24 January 2013

Galapagos: The Veredict

As promised (and as usually, late), a selection of the 3,000+,(no joke) photos from Galapagos: Click Here.  We’ve omitted the ones with the boatloads (literally) of old folk ...

How to Take Photos of Star Trails

Star trails

Streaking stars across the night sky are beautiful and capturing them on ...

Still in Zipolite

We seem to be stuck in Zipolite, and it has nothing to do with the bus.  

We cant quite wrap our minds around this little, stuck in the 60’s free spirited hippy beach community, but we love it still the same.  So...

El Chalten

Cerro Fitzroy in morning light

Chile to Argentina at Chile Chico

These border crossings seem to be getting easier ! This one was simplicity in itself.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

All In A Days Ride…

Preface: Yesterday I sat down to write this article for one post. As I sat and the words spewed forward I could not fit it all into one post. As such, I am going to come back to it with a second section. OMG, each days ride is SO amazing…


Fiesta grande de enero

We drove to Chiapa de Corzo for a couple of days, to see a bit of the January celebrations. As Stephanie said, COLORFUL. We even got to drive the van along the parading locals. And no, we aren’t clueless gringos driving into a parade–this was the ...

From siesta to fiesta

After two nights turned into six in Calderitas, we backtracked to Chiapas and into the rain. Calderitas itself isn’t much to visit. This is one town that I’d describe as a “nice place to live, but I wouldn’t want to visit”–unless, of course, you d...

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Northern Peru

It has been a while since we have posted anything on here, and we have now been in Peru for a couple of weeks. So much has happened, and there is a lot to talk about. Starting with our first day in Peru, this country has had a whole different feel...

Carretera Austral: Chaiten to Coyhaique

A great view of a mountain and stream on the Carretera Austral.

Start: December 28, Que...

Maya Rally 2012: The Kings of Maya!

When we last left #teamASTRID on the Maya Rally 2012, we were in Palenque after successfully singing with mariachis, ziplining across Cañon del Sumidero and taking part in a unique fishing excursion! What will our road warriors be up to today?


Fiesta grande de enero

We drove to Chiapa de Corzo for a couple of days, to see a bit of the January celebrations. As Stephanie said, COLORFUL. We even got to drive the van along the parading locals. And no, we aren’t clueless gringos driving into a parade–this was the ...

Car Insurance Canada and USA

It starts to feel as if getting insurance for Panda has become a nightmare that is haunting us. How can it be so difficult to get insurance for a vehicle? It has already been a huge hassle to find a company in Holland that would insure us for Euro...

Monday 21 January 2013

Tailing the Longjaw Squirrelfish

Well well well, here we are on Isla Utila, off the north coast of Honduras, in the Caribbean Sea, lounging in hammocks, sipping cervezas and planning tomorrow’s scuba diving. It’s been a w...

La Antigua Part 2

We are back in lovely Antigua with the famous Guaterider as our host and local travel guide. Julio may be sorry he convinced us to stay longer in Guatemala, because we may never leave (he didn’t). This is a great walking town. We headed to the li...



The road to Nordkapp, Norway .

Tribe Time

We had pretty high expectations going into Ethiopia, as various friends had been there and rav...

Crossing into Kenya

How best to get between Kenya and Ethiopia is a subject of constant debate amongst overlanders.  The traditional route has been via Moyale and Marsabit in north eas...

Obiectiv Canon reparat!/ Canon Lens Fixed!

Dintre toate aventurile pe care le-am trait in peste zece ani de calatorii, turul A...

End of the World – Or so it was supposed to be…

Gaila Scorpion

When Gaila and I started into Mexico, we had a couple of e...

Nice and quiet, Bolivia

Carly comes to visit! Part 1 Canon Del Pato Laguna Paron

When we ...

Hitting the Highlands

It was a minor miracle, when travel weary after a hard 5 days crossing Sudan, we rolled into a small hostel in the mountain town of Gondar to found that Ali had managed to meet us there. So vague and unconfirmed were o...

Zipolite, Mexico

I often find it hard to update the blog when we are sitting still…  

In fact I often go through the same questions even when we’re discovering new places: who cares, why would they want to know, or what is the ri...

Should have known …

At first I thought it was travel fatigue.  Then I thought that the new country was causing me some anxiety.  I also thought that maybe I was a little bit homesick, which was making me feel a bit down.  A casual discussion with a chap at Wassadou w...

Two Weeks In (Bangkok)Thailand

Bangkok, Thailand… start of the backpacker trail of SE Asia. Love it or hate it, if you’re going to Asia, you WILL end up in Bangkok. We have now been there several times and I must admit, I enjoy it. Yes, it is crazy, crowded, and chaotic. An enormo...


Hwange N.P.

Just before entering the park, we stumbled upon a herd of Sable and a great big herd of Buffalo that ran right across the road in front of our car. We started off on a great note, and were further treated to a male Lion, Ele (far away ...

Sunday 20 January 2013

From siesta to fiesta

After two nights turned into six in Calderitas, we backtracked to Chiapas and into the rain. Calderitas itself isn’t much to visit. This is one town that I’d describe as a “nice place to live, but I wouldn’t want to visit”–unless, of course, you d...

Carretera Austral Part 2 – The South

Descending Road

Other Overlanders

Since we’ve been in Argentina and Chile we’ve been seeing a lot of other Overlanders with some great vehicles. Here is a selection:

Other Overlanders

Since we’ve been in Argentina and Chile we’ve been seeing a lot of other Overlanders with some great vehicles. Here is a selection:

Nairobi - Kenya

Saturday 19 January 2013

Maya Rally 2012: Welcome to The Jungle!

In the last Maya Rally 2012 post, we just finished up in Oaxaca eating grasshoppers, doing mezcal shots in the middle of the day and wrestling with luchadores, but to...

Chegamos a Washington DC!

Nós tínhamos planejado conhecer outras atrações em Atlanta, como o Zoo e o Cyclorama, mas acabamos desistindo. Um dos motivos foi o frio, infelizmente. Ainda não estávamos com roupas apropriadas e a baixa temperatura na cidade nos desanimou bastan...

South Pacific.....

Update of Photos in the Photos section. Just dumped loads in there so its a right old mess.....

Has been difficult to find Wi-Fi Internet. Finally found some in Antofagasta in the Mall. Slept on the side of the road last...

Friday 18 January 2013

Semuc Champey the wilds of Guatemala

On the advice of our friend Julio in Antigua we set off from the lake into the mountains northward. We road from Panajachel up into the Quiche (kee-chay). The road from Sacapulas to San Cristobal Verapaz is unpaved and sort of like driving up a ri...

Os sabores da Coca-Cola

Nem só de perrengue foi a nossa visita a Atlanta! No nosso primeiro dia explorando a cidade, partimos para o World of Coca-Cola, um grande museu da marca com mais de mil e duzentos artefatos vindos do mundo todo, nunca antes mostrados em nenhuma e...

Kit de Cozinha – Guepardo

Depois de conhecer o World of Coca-Cola, voltamos para o hotel e aproveitamos que o nosso quarto tinha uma mini cozinha para cozinharmos um pouco. É claro que o jantar só foi possível porque estamos levando conosco um Kit de Cozinha para C...

Zipolite, Mexico

We are spending our days exploring the small coastal towns and beaches of Oaxaca….and loving it. We spend most of our days (before and after the sun reaches its sweltering peak) walking the length of beaches and meeting...

Chile Campgrounds and Hotels

{googleMaps lat=-41.474858 long=-72.344971 zoom=6 addoverview=0 addgoogle=0 width=520 height=600 kml=}

Download the Google Earth KMZ of

Falkland Islands – South Georgia – Antarctic Peninsula


Before you read this post, I must say that no photographs or words can do this trip justice, it is blow your mind stuff, to be seen with one’s own eyes.

Well it obviously was ...

Shakira Man

Thursday 17 January 2013


We had driven more than 30,000 miles up to this point.  We’d traveled for 14 months, through 12 countries on two continents and crossed the open sea.  Still, traversing the imaginary line that divides the earth’s northern and southern hemispheres ...

Atlanta e o caso das quentinhas

Depois de passar alguns bons dias nas cidades mais visitadas por brasileiros nos Estados Unidos, chegou a nossa hora de botar a mochila nas costas e partir para a cidade de Atlanta, no estado da Geórgia.


Transvecto One – Video from the road

Well I’m a man of my word.  As promised in the blog, here is the first of three videos documenting the transvecto journey.  ”Transvecto One” is a 15 minute sequence of nearly every shot filmed from a GoPro c...

A letter of encouragement

To Anne, Vic, Jackie, Phil, Elize and anyone else contemplating an adventure

As you are preparing for your own adventures – however they look – we thought we’d send a few words of en...

Parc National de Nikolo-Koba

Hotel de Wassadou, outside Nikolo-Koba NP, Senegal,


16th January 2013

Campement Hotel de Wassadou

Paradise exists.  It is on the banks of the Gambia R...

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Honduras Guatemala - kindred countries? Guatemala City, Guatemala

Unexpected Mainland Mexico


Life and Death on Playa Zipolite

We had read that one of the much debated translations of Zipolite was “beach of the dead”.  Sadly, today we found out why.  We awoke to the calming sound of waves breaking just out the open doors of our cabana.  As morn...

Life and Death on Playa Zipolite

We had read that one of the much debated translations of Zipolite was “beach of the dead”.  Sadly, today we found out why.  We awoke to the calming sound of waves breaking just out the open doors of our cabana.  As morn...

Relaxing in Chetumal

We’ve spent the last several days in the Yax-Ha resort near Chetumal. It’s a very nice place on the water, with lots of grass for Milo and fiberglass cannons.

Nxai Pan Baines Baobab

If yo want to see Springbok dropping their calves….December is the season to go
Guiding her foal along

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Don’t Stop, Belize-ing!

Unfortunately, when trying to come up with a unique ti...

Hasta Luego, Me-hi-co!

Months ago, when preparing for our trip, Nate and I go...

Race to Dakar.....

This time we're not on our way to see Charley Boorman or his TV series of the same name but we are rushing north to see the last few days of the Dakar. Hopefully !!!! I have  along way to drive tomorrow as the stage isn't reall...

Christmas in Chiloe

Our Christmas wreath.

Start: December 23, Puerto Montt
Finish: De...

Belize – das liebenswerte Land in Mittelamerika

looking back at 6 months on the road

Wow, time flies…

We’re half a month late on the release (thanks to the rally, breaking down on a belizean beach and the absence of wifi), but thought it was worth a synopsis post after our 6month mark and making ...

Monday 14 January 2013

Zipolite, Mexico

My attitude has improved dramatically from yesterday.  Nothing a good night’s sleep and a day without driving cant cure.  

There was nothing luxurious or fun abut the last few days and we feel completely lucky to...

Saltier than the Sea

Sunday 13 January 2013

Maya Rally 2012: Puro Oaxaca!

When we last left our intrepid Maya Rally 2012 adventurers, we were in Senguio viewing the Monarch butterfly migration in the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve. We ...

Life as a Mexican Truck Driver

We could simply caravan with Kent and Lynn forever but we wake up knowing that our desire to be on a pacific beach is only growing.

We both pack up our rigs and head out after a plate of breakfast nachos. ...


We are trying to make some time in our trip, and unfortunately that means we are going to have to skip seeing some places along the way. When we set off this year we were a month later than expected because of hot and dry fall conditions that allo...

Warm front from the south

Tolú, Colombia

There’s only one word that can describe the last few weeks. Wa...

El Camino del Diablo – The Devil’s Highway


Kalahari……need we say more!!!

If you’re going…head to Pipers Pan it’s EPIC!!!


Saturday 12 January 2013

Aswan to Wadi Halfa: The Second Half-a

Wadi Halfa is a Nubian town on the Sudanese shores of Lake Nasser. This huge man-made lake has divided the Nubian people and displaced them into southern Egypt and Northern Sudan. The deliberate inundation of the old city of Wadi Halfa is still a ...


People back home have lots of ideas about Colombia. When we told our friends and family about our plan to drive the pan-American, Colombia topped the list of countries they were worried about in terms of safety and security. It has been interestin...

Carretera Austral Part 1 – The North

Carretera Austral

Friday 11 January 2013

Life’s a Beach

I’ve been suffering from a major case of the blags lately–blog lag, that is. Blame it on the holidays, blame it on a certain level of travel-weariness, whatever. Anyhow, we’ve been relaxing a lot on the beach lately, which doesn’t make for particu...

How to Take Incredible Star Photos like NASA

Milky way photo taken in Peru

Lake House.....

Just sat on the side of the road and a Defender 90 turns round and comes back to see us.....One free shower later and a chat about all sorts and thanks to Raul Alvarez Klein we are on our way. Who said the South Africans have t...

A Day Biking in Paradise

Ubud, Bali proved to be as magical as we had heard. Our days were spent strolling the back streets in awe of the local culture, eating amazing local cuisine, visiting temples and cultural events such as the Fire Show, and simply sitting on the patio ...

Park National des Oiseaux du Djoudj

Campement Njagabaar, Djoudj NP, Senegal,

It is sunset, we’re about to have dinner, and I’m sitting at our campsite looking out over the pond. In the tree just 10m away we have spotte...

Maya Rally 2012: Finally…On The Road!

In the last installment we started the Maya Rally 2012 and had a blast racking up points in Guanajuato. As much as we would have loved to stay in this awesome city a...

Busch Gardens e a overdose de montanhas-russas

Depois do perrengue que passamos por causa do transporte oferecido pelo nosso hotel para chegarmos ao SeaWorld, resolvemos não arriscar nos próximos dias e passeios. O parque Busch Gardens fica na cidade de Tampa, distante cerca d...

Busch Gardens e a overdose de montanhas-russas

Depois do perrengue que passamos por causa do transporte oferecido pelo nosso hotel para chegarmos ao SeaWorld, resolvemos não arriscar nos próximos dias e passeios. O parque Busch Gardens fica na cidade de Tampa, distante cerca d...

Busch Gardens e a overdose de montanhas-russas

Depois do perrengue que passamos por causa do transporte oferecido pelo nosso hotel para chegarmos ao SeaWorld, resolvemos não arriscar nos próximos dias e passeios. O parque Busch Gardens fica na cidade de Tampa, distante cerca d...

Busch Gardens e a overdose de montanhas-russas

Depois do perrengue que passamos por causa do transporte oferecido pelo nosso hotel para chegarmos ao SeaWorld, resolvemos não arriscar nos próximos dias e passeios. O parque Busch Gardens fica na cidade de Tampa, distante cerca d...

Mongolian Motoring Madness

Thursday 10 January 2013

Antigua Guatemala

Dan was so happy to buy our first Guatemalan gas for our weekend trip up to Antigua at Texaco. The views as we drove along the old highway of the lake and the volcanoes were amazing. The route was very twisty and mountainous and involved several r...

Wet n’ Wild in Guatemala

We’ve been in Guatemala for 5 days now and it’s been nothing short of adventure.  It’s captivated our attention from the get go.  Crossing the border took 2 dreadfully long hours, not because it was difficult but because it was so grossly ineffici...

Mexico. What? Yes, Mexico…

Sitting at the bar last night with another overland traveller we find out about a border crossing that (he thinks) leads to mexico without having to go all the way to the pacific and just like that our plans change again.  

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Blogging at last!!

Our last truck park stop proved to be a pretty good choice – probably one of the cleanest public facilities I’ve ever seen. Anyway, we’re in the process of a slow head south towards the Chilean Lake District and so after a leisurely breakfast and ...

Fun and Fury

After more sausage for breakfast we toyed between the idea of a laze in one of the pools or a hike up the mountain to the fumeroles.? Somehow the hike won!!? Must have been a mad moment.? Anyway, we went off for the hike, followed the hoof prints,...


We drove South from the Lake District and headed to Chiloe in the worst weather we had seen so far. Driving rain reduced our speed on the highway to 20mph and we would have pulled over in rain that was any heavier.

Northern Chile Camping

Los Perales, San Pedro de Atacama (S22 54.794 W68 12.045, 2429m)

Cost: Ch$5000 per person per night. Hot showers (solar), Water (others have reported paying for water fill but we didn’t), electricitu  from kitchen. Small kitchen with...


Christmas in Ancud

Christmas Dinner


(ever since Esther Rantzen’s talking dog series that word has never sounded the same again!)

After leaving Talca we headed a little further south to Chillan.? Along the way we sampled some of Chile?s famously tasty strawberries.? Having rea...

Tuesday 8 January 2013

El Remate, Guatemala

We wake up early (5am) to the sounds of two roosters competing for the loudest/longest wakeup call.

I haven’t checked the rooster manual lately but i’m pretty sure one call does the trick and seem to recal...

Maya Rally 2012: So it Begins

The last two weeks of travel and volunteering were all leading up to the start of the Maya Rally 2012 in Guanajuato. We knew very little about the rally before agreeing to compete and the weeks leading up to the start of the rally didn’t exactly s...

Feliz Año!

Yes, I’ve been lazy. We’ve been on our vacation (within a vacation). Back in La Paz (September), we decided that the Cancun area would be a good meeting location for the holidays. My family is awesomely up-for-anything when it comes to travel and ...

Panajachel guatemala

After 6 months on the road we needed a little down time and we decided upon Panajachel, Guatemala on Lake Atitlan. It’s only 177 km from the Mexican border, but the drive took us about 5 hours. The first section of the “highway” near the border is...

Chile's Lakes District

A view of a lake in Chile's Lakes District.


Chile's Lakes District

A view of a lake in Chile's Lakes District.


Aswan to Wadi Halfa: Half-a Tale of Two Cities

It transpires that Aswan is a tourist hotspot. We discovered this when we tried to buy a kofta roll and paid five times the going rate for it. People visit in order to cruise the Nile and visit the colossal tombs at Abu Simbel. We arrived however ...

BGAN review turns into a real-life test

When we took the OCENS BGAN satellite communications kit...

Kubu Island

WOW we were lucky, we managed to sneak in just before the rains!!!

Mbarara - Uganda



Mission Impossible - Ghost Protocol.....

We made it into Chile. We were actually nearly denied entry due to food we had. The same food which had already been in twice ! The guard was hot on the food but not, it seems, on the steering wheel.

Off to Guatemala (again)

There’s a reason it seems, why we don’t make plans on this trip. 

I remember how our old vacations used to emerge.  Me doing hours of research, outlining the best options to jen, us choosing a destination and tim...

Market Day

The market in Otavalo, Ecuador was by far the most impressive we’ve seen since Guatemala.  On market day when the market swells with vendors from surrounding towns the produce market alone would challenge in size any that we have seen in South Ame...

Peru on film

Voila les films du Peru que nous n'avons pas pu telecharger avant....

Peru on film

Voila les films du Peru que nous n'avons pas pu telecharger avant....

Saturday 5 January 2013

Camping South of the Border

If you’re thinking about touring Mexico and Central America and want to camp along the way but are uncertain if it’s smart or safe, then you’re like us and likely haven’t found any much information on the subject.  And because of that the little i...

The trip so far

It’s been almost four months. And we’re still in Mexico! We didn’t really know how much we’d like this country, and how comfortable we’d feel traveling here (hint: it’s like the US, Walmarts, Home Depots and all, but cheaper, and in Spanish). When...

Dead or Alive....

We have so much to tell you but the internet is so slow. Main points are that we've been denied entry to Chile due to Matilda being Right Hand Drive. This is a new one on us....nothing on the internet but the rule is legitimate...

The Road Less Travelled but More Tarred

Sudan declared its independence from the UK in 1956, but now a new kind of (semi) colonialism is kicking in, in the form of the Chinese. In return for a stake in th...

Happy New Year!

Or, A short moment of weakness for a mushy post — and aided by only one single beer (by Alex)

It is 6:34 pm on December 31st 2012 and we are in Otavalo, Ecuador and I just can’t muster the strength to finish my blog post...

Galapagos: Trap or Treasure?

Or, an Invitation to Please, Please Save Beaglebound! (by NK and Alex)

After running around Quito for the major portion of three days looking for a “good deal” on an 8d/7n boat ride around some of the Galapagos Islands and paying a...

A little help from the locals, Belize

Checking/cleaning connections and testing voltage.  Thats what my day looks like.  

Less than exciting, but i’m painfully aware that there could be worse backdrops.  We could easily be stuck on the side of the hi...

Friday 4 January 2013

Peru Update and Gratitude

I want to thank everyone for the amazing amount of support we have received over the last 24 hours!  The money that has been donated towards our recovery and safe return is more than we could have asked for.  The calls to government officials and ...

False Start to Guatemala

We say our goodbyes and are excited to start exploring new territory.  In this case, Guatemala.  

We cant believe our tour of Belize is so short, but there is very little coastal exploring to be done without a bo...

10 Million Bats and A Few Hot Springs

With Alpheus gone, we decided to gun it through Zambia in order to arrive in Tanzania for some holiday cheer with old friends.

On the recommendation of Toast Coetzer, editor for go!Namibia magazine, we took a detour to Kasanka National Park...

Parc Nationale du Banc d’Arguin

Nouckchott, Mauritania

One of the motivators for our adventure is our love of wildlife and the natural environment.  Unfortunately, human activity is decimating both – rapidly – and ...

Into Senegal we go

New Year’s Day 2013

Public holiday pretty much everywhere … so we thought it was a good day to travel!  And surely leaving Mauritania should be quicker than the 10.5 hours it took to enter.

Nouakchott at 0730 on the-morning-after-the...

Zen and the Art of Pirate Camping

We spent two days in and around the town of Salento just on the outskirts of the zona de café.  The draw to Salento, aside from its charm, is the Valle de Cocora.  The cocora are the world’s tallest wax palms and can crest over 200 feet.  The vall...


Nouakchott, Mauritania

Our stay in Mauritania can be summed up as:

WINDY – Mauritania was still as windy as we had experienced the last few days i...

The Pilot Butte Wild Horse Scenic Loop


Chillaxin' in Chile

The view from our beach house in Concon.


Been through the desert in a car with no name…

We decided to drive the Oasis road, looping for 800 miles west, away from the Nile, rejoining it at ancient Luxor. Diesel was a big problem. The country was virtually dry due to the conflict inhibiting trade. To avoid the day-long queues of lorrie...

Maya Rally 2012: Los Niños de Irapuato

When we registered for the Maya Rally 2012, we had the choice of paying upwards of $400.00 in entrance fees or alternatively, sign up to volunteer for a week with the Muskoka Foundation, an organization that...

Northwest Argentina Camping

Roadside Quarry, Salinas Grande (S23 26.243 W66 09.117, 3510m)

A turnoff from the main road goes through an area with large piles of scree about 200m from the road. There is a large flat area in front of one of the piles where it is ...


Villarica from Pucon

The Chilean Lake District

Maybe it’s the name but the Lake District in the UK is known for its perpetually wet weather and we found similar conditions in the Lake District in Chile. The lakes here are surrounded by beautiful snow-capped volcanoes but we were only teased wi...

Nightmare in Peru

As many people are already aware, Jed and I and my sister in law, Jenny have been through a very traumatic experience here in Peru.  I wanted to put this out there to first of all let everyone know that we are safe and recovering in Cusco.  We hav...

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Zwei Jahre unterwegs – der etwas andere Rückblick

Tough Miles Blog 20: Colombia

Pete here:

SeaWorld: golfinhos de todos os ângulos

Você gosta de golfinhos? Então o lugar certo pra ficar bem pertinho desse bichinho adorável é SeaWorld. Além do berçário de golfinhos

Cusco and the sacred valley/ Cusco et la vallée sacrée, Peru

Comme dans le dessin animé qui me plaisait tant, les mystèrieuses cites d’or, nous avons exploré les ruines incas de la vallée sacrée.

Garifuna New Years, Hokpins, Belize

Throughout the day on New Years Eve friends from the Rally roll into town.

Tad and Gaila actually arrived last night and had left a note on the bus while we were away.  Nate/Sarah rolled in early morning ...

SeaWorld: os show aquáticos

SeaWorld Orlando é mundialmente conhecida pelos shows aquáticos,  principalmente os shows das baleias Orca. Os lugares são tão disputados que você precisa chegar no mínimo 30 minutos antes. Nós nos organizamos com os horários e conseguimos bons lu...

SeaWorld: a vista mais bonita de Orlando

Desde 1973, quando o parque SeaWorld foi aberto ao público, a Sky Tower oferece a vista mais bonita de Orlando. A torre tem mais de 120 metros de altura e fica bem no centro do parque. Impossível perder de vista.


Depois de uma rápi...

SeaWorld: as montanhas-russas

Foi-se o tempo em que eu me divertia em montanhas-russas. Acho que conforme o tempo passa, vamos ficando mais “cagões”. Hoje em dia em morro de medo! Não da altura, mas da sensação da montanha-russa em si. Infelizmente, eu só me lembrei disso depo...

SeaWorld: conferindo os animais de perto

Chegamos a SeaWorld Orlando! Logo na entrada, já dá pra sentir aquele friozinho na barriga. Visitar os parques de Orlando é sempre mágico. Para o Luiz, como visitante de primeira viagem, foi ainda mais especial. O parque está todo decorado para as...

Cusco and the almighty Machu Picchu

We had a few days to explore...

The Best FREE GPS Maps for Central and South America

ruta-de-muerteThere are quite a few options on the interwebs for free open source GPS maps, esp...

Seasons Greetings to All, Rounding up 2012…

To all my friends and family and the many wonderful people I have met around the world over the past three years, I wish you all a spectacular and successful 2013, and trust that you had a restful and peaceful festive season…

I managed to “...

Hwange Matopos

Worth the stop in Bob’s playground!!!



New Years Eve weekend on the Oregon coast

Happy New Year!!! We spent our long weekend camping at the Oregon Coast. Crazy you ask? Well, perhaps, or, as our friend Ron says… we’re freaks! Our 4 nights proved to be exactly what we expected for the coast in late December; just a little bit of e...

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Deja Vu?

We toyed with the idea of staying in our beach campsite for the day and celebrating the New Year to the sound of crashing waves again.  However, the beach is a popular holiday place and unofficial camping site that has suffered from too many peopl...

A rare bad apple


Lower Egypt

In 1952, over the oasis town of Siwa, it rained for three hours. In this unprecedented deluge, the entire mud-brick town dissolved back into the desert. Surprised but unperturbed, the inhabitants, using the technique of their grandfathers, re-buil...

Lazy Daze in Hopkins, Belize

The dog’s head slowly bobs up and down under its own weight.  His eyes are shut and he is asleep but still managing to hold himself upright, at least for now.   He is almost menacing.  Wrinkled forehead and crooked jaw ...

Colombia, that’s a wrap folks


I’m queuing at the border to get stamped out of Ecuador and I see one of the ...

Nicaragua - little but likeable. Very. — Leon, Nicaragua