Friday 30 November 2012

Thursday 29 November 2012

Peru – Land of the Incas

Up and on the road the next morning we quickly approached the Ecuadorian side of the border, turned in our paperwork, got our passports stamped out and jumped back in the truck. A few miles further the large Peruvian tourism logo greeted us. Welcome ...

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Day One, Phase Three – Mexico!

OK, for all the family and friends that were worried – you can take at least one breath as we are fine. Getting into Mexico through the new border crossing just south of Mission TX was a good experience for Gaila and I. Not only did we not have to de...

Mexico Eve

Finally!  It’s Mexico Eve, we’re parked in a motel near the border crossing at Mission, TX getting all our documents in order and prep’n for an early morning crossing.

With my ear infection and some necessary repairs to Tad’s bike (new brake rotor...

Butterfly’s, Mariachi and Ninja camping !

Now that we had a catalytic replaced on the Rover, it was running super strong and even sounded better. Scott had some other mods done as well as the cat replaced and now the Rover had a nice growl to go with it’s awesome looks. “Time to get back on ...

Looking Back…3 Months in Africa

Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride

Nile River Explorers – Uganda

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Tompsons Falls Kenya

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We love Zambia!!!

Mike and I were meant to be back home in S.A. for Christmas, we were hoping to drive into Cape Town around the 20th Dec. Since we have lingered in certain countries longer than we had expected, we will only be joining our families’ back ho...

On route to Maralal

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Stranded in Guadalajara! Is the trip over?

We stayed the night at the campground we found in Guadalajara. It had rained that day so the grass was wet and a  thick dampness settled in the air. It was nice to have some relief from the intense heat. Before setting up the tents, we stopped at an ...

Hello Argentina, Where Have You Been All My Life?

The Valley of the Moon in San Pedro de Atacama.

Lizards, Salt, Flamingoes, San Pedro (again)

Paul did a diesel calculation this morning.  Due to the particularly poor condition of the road (track) from Peine to where we camped, and no certainty of it improving much before we reach Laguna Miscanti, and no fuel stations before San Pedro de ...

Not so off road as expected

Thanks for Thanksgiving!

As we are a long way from any internet connection it is unfortunate that we will be late in posting this blog.  But here’s thanks to our US friends for whom we have special memories at Thanksgiving.

For Mike & Jenni whose car we deliver...

Monday 26 November 2012

Lower Zambezi

3 Days in the Lower Zambezi was relaxing, we didn’t see that much of a variety but the park is beautiful!!!! The community campsite we stayed at was perfect as we were all alone right on the banks of the river!!!

Secret Eden – Green Discovery Tours, Laos

We always appreciate local, environmentally aware companies when we travel and, unfortunately, such companies are not the norm so were more than thrilled to find Green Discove...

Chile to Argentina at Paso Jama: Border Crossing

chile-argentina-flagBorder name: Paso Jama
Closest major cities: San Pedro de A...

It’s just the way it rolls off your tongue! Guadalajara! Guadalajara ! Guadalajara!

I practiced saying it over a hundred times, in many different accents and tones, and still couldn’t get enough of the way I loved hearing the name of the next city that we were approaching. ”Scott” I would call over the radio. “Guadalajara is only on...

Sunday 25 November 2012


4x4 Overland Travel - Read the full article here!

Biharamulo - Tanzania

4x4 Overland Travel - Read the full article here!

Etosha National Park, Namibia

4x4 Overland Travel - Read the full article here!
After a brief stopover in Windhoek, we put the pedal to the floor and made it to Etosha National Park right before the Andersson Gate closed.

Breakfast Club...

4x4 Overland Travel - Read the full article here!
At the moment its nice. A cup of tea or two and a light breakfast. What will we think of it in a 22 (or more) days....

$200peso per night small ...

Costa Rica

I had always assumed that a place like Costa Rica, which is incredibly developed for tourism, would be fairly predictable to travel. It is good to know that a place like this can still surprise you. Costa Rica has wild and inaccessible sections like ...

Saturday 24 November 2012

T’ i ru Food

Saturday 3rd November 2012.

Arba Minch, Awassa.

View over the lakes from Arba MinchThe n...

Choo Choo…destination, Konso

Roofs in a Konso villageFriday 2nd November 2012.


Our morning started way too ear...

Hoi An, Vietnam

Vietnam- that one word still has the power to create mixed emotions and adamant reactions from many Americans. What we found was a fascinating country, a crossroads of French and Asian culture, and a complicated history. With none of the pre-conceive...

Camping @ Epupa falls

After a 300km drive over heavily corrugated roads this is what we’ve been greeted with. Angola is a stone’s throw on the other side. Magical !

What’s the ” Worst ” that could happen?

4x4 Overland Travel - Read the full article here!


After spending several days in Barra de Navidad and seeing the small surrounding...

Thursday 22 November 2012

Tough Miles Blog 18: Guatemala.

Pete here:
Day 169, the 7th October had us up at the crack of dawn knowing we had...

1000 days ago today…

…I left Johannesburg in South Africa, to ride my bike around the world…

After 997 days of traveling, visiting 102 countries on 6 continents; reaching the most northern and southern tip of 5 of those continents; and covering over 200 000 km ...


After an epic flight(s) yesterday we are here,,,,,,I say we, as Matilda is still in Port Elizabeth in South Africa.

We are in South America in Buenos Aires.

The flights went without much excitement. I ate 8 airline meals ...

Tatio Geysers

There are two major problems with San Pedro de Atacama. Firstly there is no supermarket which overlanders need after crossing into Chile and SAG liberating the bulk of your fresh food. Secondly the fuel is very expensive.

The wind in our hair

We’ve moved!!  (big cheer).  After six weeks at Los Perales, with various critical car parts detached from the car we’re out on the road again.

We left Wednesday morning (20th) and headed first to Antofagasta to buy some new head...

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Highlights of the long way down part 1 – Europe to Egypt

It took us five months and 25,000 kilometres to reach South-Africa. We travelled through some rough terrain, had our share of setbacks and met some very interesting people. In this three-part series we will take you back to some highlights of...

Namibia’s Skeleton Coast

We finally found refuge from the blistering heat of the Namib desert by heading for Namibia’s West coast. After three weeks of 35 degree (and counting!) temperatures, the crisp air of the Atlantic meeting the desert dunes on the Skeleton Coast was a ...

South Luangwa

Well…..after a 2 day downpour 3 days before we arrived South Luangwa was a mess!!!! After some serious 4x4ing we were able to still capture a few excellent images!!!


San Pedro de Atacama

The drop down from Bolivia at over 4300m into San Pedro de Atacama, only 2400m, is steep and straight – we sat in 2nd gear using the engine to brake to the max as we crawled down at under 20kph. The only other vehicles on the road were car...

Ecuadorian Coast. Isla de la Plata and boobies galore!

While we were camped out in the jungle, our guide Diego was reveling us with stories of Ecuador’s coast. Hearing tales of the Ruta Del Sol (Route of the Sun), Galapagos Islands, and fresh ceviche was enough to have us change our destination from moun...

Freak Show

HyenaThursday 1st November 2012.

Mago National Park, Jinka, Key Afra, Konso.

It was rain...

Out of Africa.....

Thanks to:

The LR4x4 Forum Members, Mike and Margaret, Chris Parsons,  Intercontinental Hotel Staff Cairo & Aqaba, The Staff at Marriot Sharm, The guide with the wire like wiskers at Karak, Mustafa & Family, The Poli...

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Yalo anniversary

Today is a very special anniversay.  It is one year today since we arrived with a loud bang in the village of Yalo in the Andes of Ecuador.

One year ago today we did not know that it would be another seven weeks before we left, or what an a...

Monday 19 November 2012

Our Day at the Baja 1000

This year was the 45th anniversary of the Score Baja 1000.  For those who have been living under a rock, it is considered by many to be the most grueling off road race in history.  This year it ran point to point from San Felipe to La Paz.  Guys ente...

USA – Über den Highway No. 1 Richtung Mexiko


Somos mergulhadores PADI

Quem está acompanhando o blog há algum tempo, se lembra que começamos o curso de mergulho básico há alguns meses. Esse fim de semana aproveitamos para finalizar os estudos e tirar a nossa certificação.


Como foi a nossa experiência

Saturday 17 November 2012

Como importar um carro comprado no exterior

Algumas pessoas nos escreveram com dúvidas sobre como vamos legalizar o carro quando chegarmos ao Brasil. Essa questão é um  pouco complicada então prepare-se para um longo post.


De acordo com o site da Receita Federal, nesse

Rotas para viajar de carro nos EUA

Se você está planejando uma viagem de carro pelos Estados Unidos então já deve ter iniciado sua pesquisa sobre as estradas e cidades por onde deseja passar. Nós também estamos pesquisando bastante, já que vamos começar a expedição pela Flórida. Hoje ...

Malawi – Lake of stars

From Chitimba, all the way down the lake to Cape Maclear we read, ate, slept, swam, snorkeled… all the way down.

The best place we stayed at in Malawi was by far Makuzi beach. The couple that run the place are great. The camp site is great and you...

Disaster Movie....

I've forgotten to mention quite a few things on the blog recently and its been family asking questions thats reminded me.

We got back the £12,000 for the carnet we managed to swap over in cape town SARS office. The RAC in th...

Colombia and the Formation of a Motorcycle Gang…

I arrived in Cartagena Colombia a bustling beautiful town by the sea famous for its fortified walls built to protect the wealthy port from pirates and later to defend it’s position against the British and Americans.

Mto wa Mbu - Tanzania

Cape Maclair

Not a bad replacement for Makuzi… thing it does have is amazing snorkelling!!! We blown away by the colours of the fish we never thought there could be such an abundance in a fresh water lake!!!



Le coeur de l'Equateur

Ear infection diagosed by the 4th Stooge

For the first time on this trip, I am sick.   We have been staying at Tad’s dad’s house in Orange, TX for a few days planning and getting prepared for entering Mexico.   I woke up Thursday Nov 15th with slightly swollen glands around my ri...

On the Road Again

Reunited with Phyllis in Costa Rica, we are super stoked to be back on the road. Paul and I flew down from the west coast and were expecting to find the truck in ruins. We were setting ourselves up for the worst, but found her fairly intact and much ...

Thursday 15 November 2012

Tough Miles Blog 17: Mainland Mexico

Camping In Bolivia

Bolivia Campsites
Copacabana Beach (S16 10.409 W69 05.651, 3819m)

On Lake Titicaca Beach further along from the trout restaurants. There is a good space just before the Hostel which appears to have no name. This w...

46 degrees and counting..

We were greeted by the Namib Desert with an overheating car and 46 degree temperatures. In heat like that, your body screams at you and forces you to seek respite.

Wednesday 14 November 2012


We were absolutely delighted to get an email from BobBooks a few days ago – telling us we’ve won Book of the Month competition with our photobook Sights & Insights.  Check out the link to see what it’s all about:

Farewell to The Kuipers…

We knew this day would come but when it finally arrived we weren’t ready to let go.

Margie and Gerro drove up from S.A. to join us on the road for just over a month and a half. We all met up in Mwanza, Bruce (Mike’s brother) included and our first...


Continent crossed

Location: 1° 18′ 48″ N, 103° 51′ 34″ E (Singapore)

Distance from Sydney: 6,323 kms

Thousands of Australians a year travel to Thailand. 9 or so hours by plane transports them to somewhere exotic and different no...

The Mechanic....

A few productive days!

We've been back to the Garage to have the transfer box looked at again so they took it out again.....the thing was leaking again. Looks like the O ring on the inter shaft was duff. It was meant to be a...

Makuzi Beach

Planned to stay here 3 days…….11 days later after major discussions we reluctantly decided to move on. Makuzi is by far the best place to park off and enjoy Lake Malawi!!! It should be on everyones!!


Half-way there: South Africa!

Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa.

Five months after our departure from the Netherlands, we reached

FLASHBACK: San Jose Guayabal

We left the the war torn hills of south eastern El Salvador to meet up with family of friends in a small town just outside of San Salvador, the capital city.  Mayte and Luis are the aunt and uncle of a former co-worker of mine back in my Henkel da...

Back in the USA…

After a short but emotional farewell, I boarded the boat that would take me to Provo, to catch my direct flight to Newark in New Jersey… The fact that Patricia and I would be separated for the next four months did not sit well with us, and telling ou...

Okavango Delta, Checkpoints South Africa in Sight

Maun, North West, Botswana.

After driving almost the entire length of the Caprivi Stri...

Sunday 11 November 2012


Found this blog I wrote while we were still planning our travels!!

We’re the nuts planning on driving round the world in a Land Rover Defender 110, sleeping mainly in a tent on the roof, cooking on a cooker fitted ...

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Sandy Cove Inn – Seaside, Oregon

We LOVE the beach and spend many a weekend enjoying the Pacific coast throughout the year. With my birthday approaching we considered packing up the camper and heading out but with an extremely wet forecast and a Groupon at the Sandy Cove for a mere ...

Broken down in Esquel, Pategonia

I think we have a pretty slow Angel looking after us. Bikers believe that they have a guardian Angel, and so long as they don’t ride any faster than the Angel can fly, they will be fine. It’s a good theory, but makes me wonder if our Guardian Angel i...

USA – Abwechslung pur in Californien


Cheetahs and Quiver Trees in Namibia

After crossing the Mata-Mata border from South Africa to Namibia, we gunned our way to the Quiver Tree Forest Rest Camp that lies roughly 13 km outside of Keetmanshoop. Luckily, we arrived just in time to see the reh...

Bolivia’s Southwest Circuit

The drive from Uyuni to the Chilean border has the reputation of being one of the best off road adventures in the world.  The drive takes you past beautiful high altitude lakes filled with flamingos, through upland deserts and by massive volcanoes. T...

Lake shore Lodge – tootsies up on our favourite lake – Tangas!

Lake shore Lodge

Well well well we have arrived. In the middle of nowhere (Western Tanzania). We found a little piece of heaven on earth – Lakeshore Lodge, this is a must if you have a trip in mind to visit either Katavi or Mahale N.P.’s. It is br...

Maasai Mara

Posted from Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya.

Back to Nairobi and onto Maasai Mara

Posted from Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya.

Twigga Campsite – Mombasa

Posted from Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya.

Crossing over the Hump

Living around the drastic scenery of the places we call home, Moab, Utah and Jackson, Wyoming you begin to take for granted the striking image of the rugged pine green, snow white and granite mountains or the tall sandstone towers protruding against ...

La costa pacifica, Ecuador

Insane Greetings

Tuesday 30th to Wednesday 31st October 2012

Omerate, Turmi.

Tranquil Turkana

Tuesday 23rd to Tuesday 30thOctober 2012.
Nairobi, Timau, Maralal, South Horr, Loyangalani, Iloret.

Through the jungle in Nepal

Monday 5 November 2012

A Cummins-powered, Getrag-shifted . . . Chinese pickup?

Quiz: What company is the largest manufacturer of commer...

Pause Update No. 5: Big Announcement