Sunday 30 September 2012

Fall Camping Oregon – As good as it Gets

We LOVE off season camping. We love open campgrounds, fewer crowds, empty beaches, and the joy of fall in Oregon. During the “discovery” season from late September/ early October until May 1st of each year we never make campground reservations, prefe...

Whistler to Seattle

Pete here:
Returning to a place for the second time on the same trip is the close...

Outdoor Motorbike Cover – BMW GS Adventure

Outdoor Motorcycle Cover for a BMW GS Adventure Motorcycle: Review

Finding an indoor or outdoor motorbike cover which will fit a BMW GS Adventure motorcycle or just a BMW GS ...

On route from Pemba to Tanzania Border

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Thursday 20 September 2012

Lakeside Bliss


Thursday 6th to Friday 7th September 2012.Toys R Us in Malawi

Cape MacClear.

Carpark Antics


Tuesday 4th to Thursday 6th September 2012.'MALAWI' written in shells from lake


The Sacred Valley

We decided to take the train from Ollantaytambo to Aguas Calientes (in order to get to Machu Picchu) which would allow us to visit the Sacred Valley on the way.

Guide to Machu Picchu

A visit to Kenya's capital

The road up to Nairobi once again started out pretty bumpy. In fact we...

The Cordillera Blanca

The three of us at Lake Paron in Peru.
Start: August 26, ...

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Colombia, Tierra Querida, la suite/the continuation

Plus nous allons dans les terres, pl...

Sacsayhuaman, Qenko, Puca Pucara and Tambo Machay

Quinta Lala, our Cusco campground, is right next to the big Inca ruins of Sacsayhuaman. This is just one of four Inca sites that are in a line along the road from Cusco to Pisac. It’s very easy to see all four of these in one day as Collectivos (50c ...

What’s Next?

What’s Next?

Such a simple question. One that rattles around in my brain in various forms often. But to give credit where it is due I will thank Neil Peart of RUSH fame and his book Traveling Music: The Soundtrack to My Life and T...

Mission Improbable – the Jesuits in the Jungle

About 400 years ago, someone had a bright idea. Wouldn’t it be cool to head off into the jungles of south america, and build grand complexes where a whole new lifestyle could be tried out. All that is left of this era is a collection of old ruins, pa...


The road to Cusco from Nasca is a pretty long and windy road. It took us two full days to drive this route. The road first rises to a huge plateau (around 100km long) at over 4500m. we were pretty short of breath coming up from the sub-1000m of Nasca...

Final Destination....

No we've not finished the trip quite yet but as I said were almost there with one continent.

Our Carnet de Passage ("vehicle passport") runs out in a month so this means today my Mum is waiting for a very special delivery th...

Ladakh – completely different from the rest of India

Walking with Maasai

From the Maasai Mara to “Walking with Maasai”!

Maasai Mara

Our entry into Kenya was pretty straight forward, paying $50 for a visa and a quick “health check” (a couple of quick questions) by the authorities there due to the Ebo...

Ecuador Campgrounds and Hotels

This article is part of our Accommodation Listing series.


Not All is Lost

Hi there.  It’s been a while, hasn’t it?

Though I (we) have failed to keep up on my promise to fully update the blog during this hiatus, not all is lost.  We have both accomplished something this summer:  

A giant leap for Moglander, a small step in South America

We are now very definitly under way in South America. We have enjoyed a week in Uruguay, and if the weather was  a bit more pleasant we would have stayed longer. It is a very friendly country, and easy to find your way around, through the road signs ...

Cape Town. Week 3..

Greeted by howling rains and frigid temperatures, our three weeks (and counting) in Cape Town has coincided with a change in seasons. Yesterday, we were treated to glorious...

Total Recall....

Yes it was the same film. Worth a watch, not really.

So today we went shopping and also to see a film. What we watched is a remake of the Arnie fest with the popping eyes. Would it have been better in 3D, almost certainly. I...

Newfoundland – Add it to your bucket list.

Don’t ask why it should be on your bucket list, just add it.  Now.  And be sure you come in the summer. 

Southern Highlands Tanzania

from Lake Malawi at about 450 meters we crossed the border into Tanzania and
the road took us up and up. We were soon in the Southern highlands at an
altitude of 2000 meters and more. At one point the road was surrounded by tea

A small welding job..

Having left my bank card in Nicaragua I needed a safe place to send my card to. I had briefly met a girl called Jenny Xie in Lago Atitlan Guatemala who worked in San Vito Costa Rica. This was my only contact in Costa Rica so I arranged to have my car...

Massai Mara!!!

Nothing beats the Mara, one of our best parks so far!!!


Ronnie and Patricia’s Wedding Photos…

Patricia and I have been inundated with messages of congratulations and goodwill, for all of which we are sincerely grateful… We have decided to share an assortment of our wedding day photos with the many thousands of people who have followed my expl...

Sunday 16 September 2012

Malawi to Tanzania at Songwe

As far as I
know there is only one border crossing between Malawi and Tanzania. At least on
the maps. Songwe border post is on the M1 main road between the two countries.
We arrived just before lunch on the Malawian side.

This is the
second bo...

Truck Build- Phase 1, Suspension

As everyone knows, the roads are not the greatest south of the border.  Also as some may know, driving a stock dodge 3/4 ton truck is not the greatest either.  The combination of the two = a bone jarring, rear end dancing, white knuckle and frustrati...

Our Wedding Day

Stamps and Signatures

I find myself in the back of an old and battered Peugeot 504. The driver has been helping us plough through all the Arabic paperwork and directing us to countless offices, all spread through town and the harbor area.Th...


Gallipoli 13/9/2012
Kilometres travelled: 30,639

Well the good ship Nikolay Konarev finally loaded our vehicles amongst 65 huge Turkish trucks and set sail for Mersin Turkey at 3.00am in the morning of Friday 1st September- 5 day...

Camel rides and flooded deserts

The road we drive on disapears in the far distance into the sky and around us there is nothing buts and. We are on our way to Wadi Halfa. All of the sudden, the road is surrounded by water, we see a soccer field floode...

This Is Africa: Serengeti, Land Rovers and Endless Hospitality

A great many of those who have spent any sort of time in Africa know the expression “T.I.A.”, which stands for “This is Africa”. To truly understand its meaning you need to...

Saturday 15 September 2012

Nasca Lines

After a full day’s driving from Lima, down the good quality Pan-Am,  we reached the town of Nasca. This is famous for the Nasca Lines which are massive drawings etched into the desert floor by a Pre-Inca civilization. They are only properly visible f...


19th May 2012 – 20th May 2012

We didn’t manage to find anywhere to camp in Romania after leaving the merry cemetery in Sapanta, and so we soon found ourselves crossi...

Special Report! Georgia to Azerbaijan border crossing

15th September 2012 – 16th September 2012

Gardabani (Georgia) to Qazax (Azerbaijan) border crossing:

Note! You must go through the border on the main road.  You cannot cross a...


Drum Bun!  Initially we thought this was the name of a town, but we soon cottoned on to the fact that it actually means “Good Bye” or something similar in Romanian, although it took us a remarkably long time to realize...

One Morning

Leaving Central America behind, we had lot´s of moments and places that we consider to be our favorites.  Rather than list them out for you I wanted to share a writing of Jed´s that I think sum´s up our feelings:

Enter Mongolia

Location : 47 44′ 27″N, 96 50′ 17″E (Uliastay, Mongolia)
Distance from Sydney: 10,597km

A mini update, written just after arriving in Mongolia:

I’m meant to be trying to finish off the Russian blog right now, ...

Everything changes

Location : 50° 43′ 35″N, 86° 18′ 28″E (Altai Republic, Russia)

Distance from Sydney:  11,401km

They say that if you put a frog in a pot of water and slowly boil it, the change o...

Happy Anniversary/ Bonne Fete!!

One year today since we left Canada.  45 000 kms under our belt and on the tires of Bip Bip.  An interesting statistic - the circumference of the earth at...

Do We Look Nervous…??

With just two hours to go, here are a few photos of us this morning….

Friday 14 September 2012


The Day Has Dawned….

4x4 Overland Travel - Read the full article here!
I was up early this morning to greet this new and auspicious day…

I stood on the beach watching the sun come up and making wishes that were carried away on the early morning breeze that was coming off the Atlantic Ocean…

Sayulita life is the life for me!

4x4 Overland Travel - Read the full article here!
Ahhh waking up in Sayulita is an experience that cannot be compared. The first thing you will notice is there are several roosters around the hostel. The funny thing is they do not tell time. The first one starts, “COCKA DOODLE DOO”! at 2 am. Of cour...

A beginners guide to helping an African village

4x4 Overland Travel - Read the full article here!
Many volunteers, NGO workers and others have good intentions about coming to Africa and “fixing” whatever it is they think is wrong. However, along the way, we’ve found that Africans are usually best at both identifying their own needs and finding so...

Casuarinas – Ilha de Mozambique

4x4 Overland Travel - Read the full article here!
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Tanzania – Lake Tanganyika and Burundi

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Lake Tanganyika – Jacobson’s

On arrival we unpacked as quickly as possible and headed down to the beach. The view that stood before us was positively inviting. Turquiose water, waves, no crocs (for the last three years) and a heavenly beach to lay...

Thursday 13 September 2012

Lake Billy Chinook – Oregon

After a shocking one month break fro...

Special report! Ukraine, Russia and Georgia via Port Kerch, the Vladikavkaz / Verkhiny Lars and Kazbegi / Stepantsminda border

This blog is a bit boring and technical, but we found it difficult to find up to date information on the internet about this route, as it goes via the relatively new border crossing between Russia and Georgia at Verkhn...

Cape Fear......

They thought we'd never leave.......

Almost a week of madness and generosity staying at Des and Hennie's. We've got a refurbished transfer box with a new sleeved Intermediate shaft. I know the Land Rover fans reading this wi...

Huaca del Sol y de la Luna

Tides on Emotion…

The last week has been more than a little hectic…

I have been swamped at times by tides of emotion that have had me upbeat one moment and down the next…!!

I have been trying to deal with the fact that my long journey around the world is almost ...


WOW, WOW, WOW!!!!!! Worth every penny and so much more. You only get an hour but it is truly magical!!!


Seven Really Awesome Essential Gadgets for Digital Nomads

4x4 Overland Travel - Read the full article here!

gear we love

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Sayulita Mexico-

You probably last remember that we were caught up in a traffic jam headed toward Puerto Vallarta Mexico, when we decided to make a small detour to visit the town of Sayulita Mexico. As we pulled into town, it was difficult to take it all in. Everywhe...

More from Malawi

Okay, it is
not only about the lake. We found of course a few other interesting places
along the way as well. After the infamous incident with the speeding ticket, we
headed inland to Wvaza Game Reserve. Since leaving Kruger National Park in

Freighter Cruiser Grand San Paolo – a look inside

It’s taken a while to get enough bandwith to upload some video, but we have finally managed it. This gives a look inside the ship to give a feel for what it’s like.

Before you go looking at them, you better get a coffee, ideally with a few biscuit...

Tough Miles Blog 11: Vancouver to Alaska

Jon here:
We arrived in Vancouver at 1am on the 8th August, narrowly escaping a h...


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#70 History repeating itself: Banos, Tena Quito

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Through The Windshield

4x4 Overland Travel - Read the full article here!
Some times when driving you take photos of things you see going on along the road. Normally, the picture is, from a photographic point of view, crap. Reflections from the window, out of focus, too dark, etc... But still, what you can see in the photo...

Monday 10 September 2012

More Border Balderdash

Monday 3rd to Tuesday 4th September 2012.

Three Zimbabwean women

Tete, Zobue.

Solitude in the Mountains

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Saturday 1st to Monday 3rd September 2012.

Chimanimani mountains

Chimanimani Nat...

Is that a crocodile in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?

4x4 Overland Travel - Read the full article here!
Thursday 29th to Friday 30th August 2012.

Monkey, Great Zimbabwe campsite


Back to School

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Thursday 23rd to Wednesday 28th August 2012.

Travelling by donkey and cart



Splish Splash

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Sunday 19th to Wednesday 22nd August 2012.

Brewing coffee at our wild camp on way to Vic Falls


4x4 Overland Travel - Read the full article here!

Saturday 18th to Sunday 19th August 2012.

Serowe, Francistown.

We left the sanctuary and started towards Francistown. The road quickly changed from tar to gr...

Taj Mahal – The Greatest Symbol of Love?

4x4 Overland Travel - Read the full article here!

If you missed our third ...

Sunday 9 September 2012

Zalala Beach Lodge (500 Mets per night)

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From Beira to Quelimane.

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Mambo Point - Tanzania

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Lake Kivu

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Lake Kivu was amazing, it reminded me of Switzerland rather then Rwanda

iZulu Orphan Project Update

4x4 Overland Travel - Read the full article here!
Here is an update letter from the IOP (iZulu Orphan Project) founder, Kate Bain.
Please have a read to see where exactly your donations are going and what it is exactly that they have recently achieved. They are doing some amazing work a...

It’s green and it is….

4x4 Overland Travel - Read the full article here!

Singing along to ´it´s raining men´ by the weather girls and other 90´s classics, we were very happy to be back on the road again after our admin stopover in Kampala. Since our last blog post, we’ve driven quite some k...

Tough Miles Blog 10: Welcome to the U.S.A!

4x4 Overland Travel - Read the full article here!
Jon here: Day 94 of the trip. Having ridden through Europe, Russia, Mongolia and South Korea it was finally time for Tough Miles to hit up the USA. With the bikes onboard a container ship somewhere in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, Pete and I took ...

Irente - Tanzania

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Sessee Islands

Apart from the journey getting there, it’s all worth it. We found a great campsite at a resort and spent two days staring at Lake Victoria which is simply spectacular. Along with the great lake is the whitest beach ...

A long day

4x4 Overland Travel - Read the full article here!
An insight into a day on the road where things don’t go as planned.

Benn: 4am: I realise I am awake. Early hours of the morning, still dark outside our hotel room in Almaty, Kazakhstan. There is a car alarm squealing in the distan...

Moglander on the High Seas

4x4 Overland Travel - Read the full article here!
After a few days of waiting in Honfleur in France, we finally boarded the Grande San Paulo on the 7th August, for the next part of our adventure and for us a new continent South America.

At last, our ship arrives to Le Havre to bring us to South A...

CANADA - Ab in den Süden

4x4 Overland Travel - Read the full article here!

Thursday 6 September 2012


We didn’t really know what was going to await us in Bulgaria.  I think we expected to be thrown back into the Dark Ages, and we had heard from our hitchhiker in Turkey that Bulgaria is a ridiculously cheap place to eat...

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Rhinos Rule!

4x4 Overland Travel - Read the full article here!

Rhinos at Khama SanctuaryFriday 17th to Saturday 18th August 2012.

Khama Rhino Sa...

El Cocuy Parque Nacional… the hidden secret above the clouds of Colombia Part #1

4x4 Overland Travel - Read the full article here!
Th 4Runner led the charge tracing through the sinewy backroads of El Cocuy National Park. Due to the consistent rainfall around this time of year, the unpaved road had transformed from nicely packed dirt to slick snotty mud. I had to use 4×4 a few ti...

Salty Baobabs

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Wednesday 15th to Thursday 16th August 2012.Girl painting, Botswana

Gweta, Kubu Island, Wild Camp near Sesalajwe.

From Maun...

High on the Okavango Delta

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Flight over Okavango DeltaMonday 13th to Wednesday 15th August 2012.


Wild Dining

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Friday 10th to Sunday 12th August 2012.

Moremi Wildlife Reserve Okavango Delta.

The next morning we took Sandros into town to see if he could squeeze into the Third Bridge, our campsite in Moremi. There was space, so next ...

A Temperature Rise to Match our Welcome

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Wednesday 8th to Thursday 9th August 2012.

Ramatlabama to Maun on the Trans-Kalahari Highway.

The formalities on the Botswana side of the Ramatlabama border were just as straightforward. We are loving these borders in Sout...

Punda Maria to Beira

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Coffee, Eh and a skinny wallet

4x4 Overland Travel - Read the full article here!
Oh Canada, our beloved northern neighbor, whose residents LOVE their Tim Horton’s (their version of Starbucks) more than sliced bread.  Oh, if they only knew a real coffee shop.  You won’...

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Lo De Marcos Mexico, the surfs up?

We left San Blas headed towards Puerto Vallarta with no particular destination in mind. We had heard of a few small towns that might be interesting to visit. One of those towns was Lo De Marcos. We rolled into town looking for a campground. After som...


Time-out…feet-up…….beach, water and a good book. Even better fresh water…..mmmmm no salt

My Land Rovers story

4x4 Overland Travel - Read the full article here!
I was an avid Magnum PI fan as a lad. I couldn’t wait for Saturday to roll around so that I watch my all time favourite TV show. After each episode I would go to sleep dreaming of that red convertible Ferrari and would wake up from a variation of the...

A Wild Night

4x4 Overland Travel - Read the full article here!
Please forgive the formatting in advance!  I can’t figure out this iPad Safari WordPress experience!!!  If someone wants to tell me how to get the WP iOS app to connect to you would be my hero…………

So exactly how many times in y...


4x4 Overland Travel - Read the full article here!
Now i'm a bit partial to a rubber dress or catsuit but this has to be one of the worst movies ever. Not only is the actress in question,,,,, (literally),,,STOP....

Theres no point in saying any more. She was better in Bond. ...

Colombia Tierra Querida

Monday 3 September 2012

Exploring the Lost Coast of California: Day 1

The Lost Coast…even the name conjures up impressions of high-adventure, drama and romance. In our book, it sounded like the perfect place to explore.

The mythical Lost Coast is an 80-mile stretch of rugged, unspoiled Northern California coastline ...

The Waterboy....

More waterfalls and more tenuous links to dodgy films....

Yes we could smell the flowers. Quite nice actually. They also follow the sun so if you get on the right side of them they are quite bright ...

A Quickening of the Pulses…!!

September has finally arrived…!! And with it the confirmation that this month has and always will be, a very special one for me…

GoalZero review

Our two Goal Zero Extreme 350 power packs have been essential companions on this trip.  We had a bracket made for them so that they sit side by side on top of our safe, which also places them right next to our Waeco fr...

Sunday 2 September 2012

A Visit to Honda Motos Costa Rica

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So I had been scrimping on tyres a bit, hoping to make it to Colombia where I would fit out my bike for the next leg of the journey.  But in doing that I had left myself e...


I have seen our colleague travellers on their blogs describe and rank their gear they have taken on their journey as important or indispensable.    Not to be left behind, I thought it be also interesting our take on our stuff.<...



Lunch consisted of an apple consumed whilst waiting for our new insurance papers, as the ten day old cheese from Kars, which had formed part of the original menu, had grown too many new life forms.  Had I scraped them ...

(es)Cape Town

After 24 hours in transit, I arrived in Cape Town to beautiful weather and an empty Prado car seat. Our first stop would be the Westin, courtesy of SPG, where we managed to get some gym, spa, and free champagne breakfasts in our syst...


Not exactly a film/movie but its got a pilot movie.

There you have it. We've done it. We've finished. Thank goodness!!

The last animal to tick off the BIG five. Leopard has been spotted (LOL). We also manage to get a bett...


Leaving Huaraz we drove down a good road to the coast – albeit after climbing to over 4000m, on our way towards Lima. About 100km before getting to the city we stopped for the night at Lanchay National Park which is only a couple of KM’s from the Pan...

Zuid Afrika

Via Mc Carthey’s Rust komen we Zuid Afrika binnen. Het is een erg rustige grenspost (er is helemaal niemand) en ze hebben blijkbaar nog nooit van een Carnet de Passage gehoord en er is al helemaal niemand die het voor ...


Our remaining Iranian crony made a running jump out of the car as the border gates between Iran and Turkey rolled back to save himself from the temptations of the other side.
A kindly Turkish border officer greeted us...

The Border-Closing-Ceremony


Malawi is all about the lake. At least for most of the tourists, and this time, also for us. The places along the lake are stunningly beautiful, and prices are reasonable (read: cheap). So we got stuck – twice… From the border we kept going to Cape M...

Saturday 1 September 2012

Tough Miles Blog 9: South Korea.


Drakensberg Part 2: Cathedral Peak

I forgot to mention an interesting fact from our Amphitheatre hike in my last post: Tugela Falls, the 2nd highest waterfall in the world (Trivia: What is the highest waterfall in the world? no cheating), originates from the top of the Amph...

Passport found, Canada bound!

Funny how Plan B’s turn into Plan C’s.  Tad found his passport after 2 days diversion to Detroit.  The night before our appoin...

Getting the Boot

If you read the ‘Passport Found’ blog, you’re may be wondering about how we managed to get kicked out of a friend’s house – thought it was worthy of noting.  This was one hellofa strange encounter.

We had visions of meeting a lot of people on this...

24 hours in no-man’s land

India – the first two weeks

The first 14 days in India passed really fast. We have seen a lot, and we had quite some experiences – some were nice, some not so pleasant. But it definitely wasn’t boring so far.

The border crossing from Pakistan to India held n...

49 years and counting…