Thursday 30 August 2012

Mother Russia

Location: 49° 48′ 09″N 73° 05’23″E (Central Kazakhstan)
Distance from Sydney: 12,129km

Firstly, an apology. It has been quite some time since the last update. I did write a big f...

Reunited with the mighty Nile Perch

Several weeks ago we travelled along the shores of Lake Turkana and saw a local fisherman catch a nearly 100kg Nile Perch. Our group bought part of it, as he was unable to carr...

Kicking Back on the Cay….

The week I have already spent here, seems to have passed by in a flash…!!

Budget #7- Time to get a job!




Sesse Islands

A dream come to….Lake Victoria!!! Wow, the beach was amazing, we loved it here!!!

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Africa 420 – Romania 1

Turcia/ Turkey – Bulgaria - Romania 30/07 - 02/08

Ca de obicei cand ne-a placut un loc, am stat la taclale pana tarziu, desi a doua zi aveam de taiat Turcia de-a l...

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Mozambique to Malawi

The slowest
border crossing so far in Africa was when we crossed from Mandimba in
Mozambique to Chiponde in Malawi a couple of days ago. No difficulties, really,
but it reminded me a little more about some of the borders we crossed in
Central Ame...

The Great White North

Standing on a granite boulder in the middle of th...

Ushuaia 2011 – Dias 21 a 23

Dia 21 – Mais estrada

Foi só o que vimos no vigésimo primeiro dia de viagem. A estrada é muito boa então foi tranquilo. Almoçamos na estrada e seguimos até chegar a Córdoba. No Ushuaia, eu peguei um guia de bolso de albergues em t...

Pangani - Tanzania

Monday 27 August 2012

Ushuaia 2011 – Dia 20

Dia 20 – Punta Tombo

Esse dia merece um post especial só para ele porque são muitas fotos! Como estávamos em Puerto Madryn, aproveitamos para conhecer a Reserva Natural de Punta Tombo (http://w...

Equipment Review


TireGate Swingaway spare tire carrier

The Swingaway tire carrier mounts easily onto the 2inch tow hitch receiver, whilst still being able to mo...

From 95F to 25F – Our first taste of the Andes Mountains

Spending the week sweating our butts off in Cartagena we were excited to finally have the truck back and we hit the road the next morning. Camping was #1 on our priority list. We considered cruising along the Colombian coastline but fearing the mercu...

Bloggers Award

Finalist -'s Travel Blog Awards 2012

Budget #6


Bem-vindo ao paraíso

Mozambique is helemaal anders dan de andere Afrikaanse landen die we tot nu toe bezocht hebben. Omdat het een Portugese kolonie is geweest, hangt er een Mediterraans sfeertje. Voor de eerste keer kunnen we ons in het Engels niet me...

A week in Uganda

During planning we had been looking forward to visiting Uganda with its big green forests and position on Lake Victoria. However as Uganda came closer our thoughts and ...

Demise of the Red Devil School Bus

Saturday 25 August 2012

Eastern Rwanda: A land of a thousand hills


Ushuaia 2011 – Dias 17 a 19

Dia 17 – Esquiando em Ushuaia

Sabe quando a “ficha cai”? Pois é… a ficha só caiu para nós quando  brincamos com a neve. Só aí percebemos onde tínhamos chegado. Quem poderia imaginar que nós conseguiríamos chegar no fim do mundo co...


“You have to quit your journey and go back to South Africa!” Is what we’re told at the ethiopian embassy… WHAT? We are ladies on a mission, challenge accepted!

After a couple of n...

One Day in Ulaanbaatar

Nicaraqua to Costa Rica

My first stop in Nicaragua was a city called Leon.
Leon is an extremely important city in Nicaragua famed for its part in the initiation of revolutions and revolutionary leaders. It is a very politically orientated city.
The day I arrived happened ...

Pause Update No. 3: Erik in the Black Hills

Posted from Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Mexico.


Drakensberg Part 1: The Amphitheatre


Chimp trekking was awesome except for the wild Germans in our group pushing everyone over trying to take the prime spots. Got these after having to shoot through holes in the bushes while everyone clambered over each other to get better shots

Thursday 23 August 2012

The PanAm Shipping Process Part 2 – Colombia

Growing up in Miami, arguably one of the hottest/muggiest places in all of the United States, I thought I was familiar with stifling tropical heat. Cartagena, Colombia made the hottest summer in Miami seem like a visit to the North Pole. This place w...

Hiiumaa naar Parnu – offroaden en Soviet bunkers

Hoi allemaal,

We hebben weer internet dus weer de mogelijkheid voor het volgende verhaal!

Na een rustige start omdat we gisteren de route al min of meer hadden bepaald gingen we op weg. Dit eiland, Hiiumaa, staat bekend als minder ontwikkeld en...

Kidepo NP, Murchison NP and Lake Albert

This park is right on the Sudanese border and takes a day to travel there including an overnight stop, which we spent at a South African owned campsite called Fugly’s based in Kitgum. The last bit of the oad to Kidepo was slow-going but we managed an...

Ushuaia 2011 – Dias 14 a 16

Dia 14 – Estrada sem fim

No décimo quarto dia de viagem, saímos tarde de Puerto Madryn. Já eram quase meio-dia quando finalmente conseguimos colocar tudo dentro do carro para seguir viagem. E o atraso na saída não ajudou muito o r...

The Fourth Option

In my fourth year of engineering school I decided to do...

Chavin de Huantar

While we were in Huaraz we decided to have a break from driving ourselves everywhere and pay to go on a tour. It probably worked out cheaper than driving anyway if you factor in the cost of the diesel. The tour we went on was to the ancient ruins of ...

Tuesday 21 August 2012

USA/CANADA - Pech und Pannen auf legendären Highways


USA/Canada - Video Alaska-Yukon


Russia - A Time To Reflect

Mais um pódio para a Expedição

Domingo, dia 19/08/12 foi um dia muito especial para a equipe da expedição. Já havíamos contado a vocês que iríamos participar de mais um rally de regularidade, dessa vez em Campos dos Goytacazes, no norte do estado do Rio de Janeiro. Agora compartil...

St. Petersburg naar Hiiumaa

Hoi allemaal!

Inmiddels zitten we in Estland, op een eiland voor de kust: Hiiumaa.

Nadat we uit St. Petersburg zijn vertrokken en naar Petershof zijn geweest, zijn we doorgereden naar de grens, om Europa weer in te rijden. Eindelijk dachten we ...

Monday 20 August 2012

Lake Baikal - The Pearl of Siberia

Northern Mozambique

northernmost stop in Mozambique was Pemba, and according to our guidebook, a
relaxed and quiet little town with great beaches, snorkeling and diving. As we
reached the outskirts of town, we got a hint that things might have changed
since the ...

Minunata anormalitate/ Beautiful Freaks

Turcia/ Turkey 28 - 30/07

Pe la jumatatea diminetii celei de-a patra zi de cand suisem la bordul navei, nu mai eram singuri pe mare. Mediterana parea neschimbata, dar...

Turkey – Well not much of it…

Gemma: After having three parts of Beefy break down on us in Europe, and all of the touristy things we have done so far costing lots of pennies, we decided the best plan o...

Hints and Tips for Overlanders

Now we know ourselves, when you are planning this kind of epic adventure every...

Murchison Falls NP

One word to some up Murchison………..Poaching and nobody cares. You tell the rangers and they don’t seem to take an interest. We wild camped on the delta, 30km from the nearest legal person in the park, which was awesome. They say you need a guard for t...

Huaraz and the Way Inn

After leaving the Llanganuco Lakes area and driving back through Yungay we headed up the main road through the Callejon de Huaylas to the town of Huaraz. This is the biggest town in the valley but still not enormous.

We had planned to spend a nigh...


We zijn in Botswana aangekomen en helaas hebben we de conclusie moeten trekken dat in Botswana de minst vriendelijke en minst hartelijke mensen van onze hele reis wonen. Wellicht is er een relatie tussen de behoorlijke aantall...

Remarkable Rwanda: Africa's cleanest capital city and visiting Rwanda's past


Plan B

Sitting on deck of our hotel on the shores of beautiful Lake Huron, I can’t complain with the spectacular view of the lake and fabulous sunshine beaming down on us.

Saturday 18 August 2012

Vitebsk naar St. Petersburg

Hoi allemaal!

Hierbij weer een verslag van de laatste dagen!

‘s Ochtends zijn we vroeg vertrokken vanuit Vitebsk, vandaag proberen we Moscow in een enkele etappe Moscow te bereiken. Eenmaal bij de grens aangekomen proberen we onze Wit Russische...

Pay it Forward......

We've sent a few nights in Windhoek and not gone anywhere so if some other traveller wants to tell me I should have gone "here" or "there", don't bother please. Its just another town/city and we've walked around a bit and not g...

Friday 17 August 2012

Goodbye Pakistan


Mayday! Mayday! San Blas Islands!

Bip Bip est bien partie pour la Colombie, c'est à notre tour maintenant! 2 options s'offrent à nous: l'avion ou le bateau. Nous avons vite choisi soit quelques heures d'avion puis beaucoup de nuits d'hôtel soit une croisière de 5 jours sur un volier,...

Irreducible imperfection: The flimsy

At the beginning of the North Africa Campaign in WWII, the British faced...

Uganda – Grade 5 White waters and then Heaven…

So quickly out of Kenya and into a new dimension. Can I just say, every country you drive into looks better and better as you work your way South. That’s why S.A. is the best

We have only just arrived but driving into the country already feels so ...

The language barrier

Position: 45° 021’ 51” North 36° 37’24” (Kerch, Ukraine)
Distance from Sydney: 14,580km

There is an episode of Ewan McGregor and Charlie Boorman’s “Long Way Round” where they pass through Ukraine (see

Seven States, Two Days…!!

There is not a heck of a lot to see in the mid-west, until you want to take in an agricultural museum in every small town you pass through…!!

I have covered just over  1 800 km in the last two days, riding in or through seven states…

Meeting with Bo Eide – Norwegian Environmentalist

We had the great pleasure and fortune to meet, while staying in Tromsø, north Norway, with Bo Eide. We had been in contact with Bo for many months now, and part of our mission up north was to visit him. Due to our unpr...

Ushuaia 2011 – Dias 12 e 13

Dia 12 – Puerto Madryn

Preciso confessar uma coisa. Como a nossa viagem foi planejada de última hora e sem muita pesquisa, eu passei batido por Puerto Madryn. Não tinha ouvido falar muito sobre a cidade e acabar considerando apena...

Filling in the Gaps…!!

There are literally dozens of posts that I still need to complete, or make a start on…!!

Most of them are from my arrival in Canada, through to our epic ride to Alaska and back…

I will use this post to begin filling in the gaps, and once the po...

Magical Kidepo

WOW, WOW, WOW!!!!!!! Magical, we got there in the rainy season which is the worst time and loved it. I recon if you come here between December and April it would be unbelievable.\


Highlight would definitely be the Lion in our camp!!!!

#69 Mating Season in Puerto Lopez

Green Mile....

So the camp at Mile 4 was cancelled. They lied outright on the phone. It was more expensive and there was a charge for the car. Out of principal we told them to stick it. So we camped on the street out...

Mozambique – Air, Fuel, and Fire!

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Halfway there…!!

We have covered a little over 2 500 km since leaving Cochrane and the last four days have been amazing…!!

I am busy with a detailed post about today’s ride from Keystone in South Dakota, to Ainsworth in Nebraska…!!

Colombia Campgrounds and Hotels

{googleMaps lat=4.346411 long=-74.157715 zoom=7 addoverview=0 addgoogle=0 width=500 height=450 kml=

Eyes, Ears, Heart, Mind and Throttle…!! Status: Wide Open…!!

I have covered almost 1 400 km in the last two days, riding from Cochrane in Canada, to Cody in Wyoming…

Full updates on my rides will follow, but for now, just a few words and photos to keep you in the loop…

Monday 13 August 2012


Aswan Egypt
Temperature in shade: 48*C

Total KMS travelled so far: 26,328 (No change from the last post as Tin Can remains stuck on a barge in Wadi Halfa Sudan the last 5 days).

Allah u Akbar! We have arrived in t...

Campeche, uma semana bagunçada!

Pessoal estamos com os posts atrasados, a história abaixo corresponde ao período em que estivemos em Campeche no início de abril!!!

Saímos do tom de verde escuro de Chiapas e em pouco tempo caímos diretamente no tom verde água do ...

Obnoxiously Cheap in the Rich Coast (Costa Rica)

After finally finding a place to refill our propane tank outside of Granada, Nicaragua, Jed and I decided to head back out to the coast to a well known surf destination named Popoyo.  We were at first discouraged by all the people in this area after ...

On Stranger Tides.....

So after a few days of driving, arguments and lacking campsite choice we have arrived in one tourist mecca in Namibia, Swakopmund. We are currently sat in The Tug which Ian (TrundlingJack) will remeber and no doubt tell you its...

Build Africa – Thanks to all of you who donated money :)

We made contact with Build Africa, our chosen charity, when we reached Nairobi and asked if we could visit a school in need of support in terms of funding. They were a great NGO to deal with and they set up a day where Maryanne, Field Location Manage...

MURP'S HOLLAND..................the Bicycle Diaries Pt III.

Out and About in Uganda

Some of these pics were taken whilst we were on the road over the first few days in Uganda. We stayed a few nights at the Haven in Jinja and enjoyed a bit of luxury before hitting the parks in Uganda.



The Big Fella and I have both just achieved some minor milestones… Relatively speaking, that is…!!

Today marks the 900 th day since I set out on my journey around the world…!! I can hardly believe it has been so long… Some days it feels as though ...

A twist in the road, literally….

A lot has happened since our last update.  We made it to the Haas family reunion in Lake of Ozarks, Missouri (which is one of the reasons this whole ye...

Saturday 11 August 2012


Wadi Halfa Sudan
Temperature in shade: 49*C
Total KMS travelled so far: 26,328


Bryn: Rolling off the Ferry, we decided to head straight to Athens, but we took the scenic route along the coast instead of the long boring motorway. It was an amazing drive! The beaches are beautiful, so we stopped every now and then for a quick dip...

ITALY – Rome

Bryn: What a place! After driving down a road full of working gals, (which was weird because it was still in the afternoon) we found a campsite called Tiber. The swimming ...

Oaxaca: Guelaguetza

Posted from Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Mexico.

Con Abrazos Abiertos

When Erik and I

Oaxaca: Guelaguetza Photos

Posted from Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Mexico.

Here are some photos from my time visiting the m...

Fast Forward: bribes, counterfeits, and dysentary

#68 25,000 kilometres - Reece

Friday 10 August 2012

Legendara ruta Cape - Cairo/ Cape To Cairo. Done.

Trebuie sa spunem asta de la inceput: am mers repede. Ne-a fost greu uneori sa tinem pasul, emotional si cultural vorbind, atunci cand tara in care ne aflam era alta uneori la saptamana. Ruta Est se spune ca e cea ‘usoara’. Partial pentru ca o poti f...

Van Minsk naar Vitesbk

Hoi allemaal!

Na twee ontzettend warme dagen in Minsk zijn we ‘s ochtends, na het bezoeken van de markt om wat fruit en groente in te slaan, vertrokken richting onze volgende bestemming LONG 55.8333 LAT 29.3833. Deze coordinaten kregen we terug na...

The “Back to You…” Ride”…

I have spent the last three days resting up and being very well looked after by my friends Vince and Gabriella Ricci, who have gone out of their way to ensure that I remain both well-fed and lubricated, and taking just as much care of the Big Fella… ...

Thursday 9 August 2012

To Teacapan and beyond- Vive Mexico!

We left Mazatlan feeling rested and a bit reluctant. We had such a good time, right there on the island, that it was hard to leave such a spectacular place. Was that the climax? Had we peaked on our trip, or was there more to come? What adventures li...

Cele o mie si unul de pacate egiptene/ The Thousand And One Egyptian Sins

Faptul ca Siria e o baie de sange ne-a anulat planurile de a traversa Orientul Mijlociu catre Asia. Singura iesire din Africa - un continent la care ne gandim foarte serios ca la p potentiala destinatie de viitor - este fie prin vest (Libia, Tunisia,...

Cast Away.....

This is a tenuous link to a film. Our freind Henning has been in Kenya for a few months having found love. He's back on he road. So since Tom Hanks' famous quote from the film shouting "Wilson!" when he lost hs beloved ball we ...

Rwanda: Quick facts

Lake Nakuru

Lake Nakuru…..amazing….flooded but excellent bird life!!!

Renew Vehicle Papers in Panama City

Here’s how to renew your 30-day papers for your vehicle in Panama:

Step One:

Go to Suramericana Insurance Office in BellaVista to buy another month’s insurance, You’ll need the policy you received at the border, driving licence, vehicle registr...

Bearing Witness.....

Another vehicle maintenance day today with what could be described as a full service.

First to the problem areas. The rear nearside wheel bearing was loose, AGAIN. So it needed a full strip. This re...

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Lost Lambs in Colombia.

The urban sprawl of Panama City soon fades as we rise higher and higher into the clouds. Miles of housing developments, sky-scrapers, and asphalt soon give way to lush virgin jungle. We were flying over the Darien Gap. From the looks of it I think th...

Wine by the bucket...

This made us both is cheap in South Africa so I suppose you need to do something to stand out. The french wouldn't approve as no doubt this is a protected brand.

I can honestly say th...

10 most frequently asked questions

About a year ago I posted a poll on the website asking people how far they thought we would get on our journey around Africa. Many replied, about 63 in total, some of whom thought that we wouldn’t even...

Ushuaia 2011 – Dias 10 e 11

Dia 10 – Mar del Plata

Chegamos a Mar del Plata já de noite (do dia 9) e apenas jantamos no hostel que nos foi recomendado lá em Buenos Aires, no Milhouse Hostel. Ficamos hospedados no Totem Hostel Mar del Plata (

USA - Alaska, Gletscher, Berge, Wälder und...


Island of Mozambique

Since we
decided to drive through Mozambique and we started to read up on the country,
Ilha de Mozambique has been on the top of our list of places to see.

The island
is 3 km off the coast and is connected to the mainland with a bridge. Long be...

Colombia Wii Phone Report: Good Availability, Not-So-Good Bandwidth

Colombia service providersGeneral Availability: High
Quality of Bandwidth...

Colombia Budget Recap

Colombia surprised us in many ways. Most were good: great people, spectacular campsites and beautiful scenery, but it came at a cost that we were not entirely prepared for. That's not to say we did bad, in fact if it wasn't for higher than expected c...

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Dynatrac Check-Up

Following our brief stop at MagnaFlow Performance Exhaust, we continued up the California coast to Huntington Beach for a visit to the Dynatrac headquarters and factory. Dyn...

Cats and Dogs.....

So we went to Etosha and as per normal, you guessed it, nothing.

Nothing worth the trip at least although one little fella did make he day. Not very often you see these...or those. This cat was a highligh. Caracal to the une...

Jesus Christ Superstar....

Afrer a bit of expense in the most costly camp of the entire trip @ £23.50 we have finally arrived at the cheapest. ITS FREE !!! We knew it was free and came especially. We will spend at least two nights here. All they require ...


Hoi allemaal!

Inmiddels zitten we alweer 2 nachten in Minsk, de hoofdstad van Wit-Rusland. De weg hier naartoe en in de stad waren heel soepel: alle wegen hier zijn heel makkelijk te bereizen en zien er redelijk goed uit (alleen spoorvorming kent ...

Monday 6 August 2012

Waterworld 2......(only joking)

If anyone is interested in the Map we are considering selling the service. So any Overlanders planning a trip drop me a line and we...

Old Iron – Interesting Wheels in Normandy

Well, our boat to Uruguay is not in Le Havre yet, so we’re still hanging around. We’re staying in a small town called Honfleur. For anyone else planning to wait for a Ferry around here, it’s perfect for a camping truck. Just drive to the port / docks...

Protect and track a laptop


Malaysia and Thailand

Serengetti NP


Overlanders are the bottom feeders of this high-rolling establishment! But we still got our fair share. On arriving at the gate at 05:45 on both mornings as we camped outside the park, we had to wake the staff up so we could finally pay...

Wit-Rusland (Belarus)

Hoi allemaal!

Vanuit Warschau zijn we vroeg vertrokken richting de grens van Polen met wit-rusland. Onze bestemming, Brest, ligt een paar KM over de grens. Na zo’n twee uur rijden op bijna verlaten weggetjes, met de grens post in de verte, zien we...

Russian Rural River Route

Serengeti the migration!!!!!

Wow, after missioning for Kenya into Tanzania just to see the migration we were sploit!!!! At Serenera camp we saw 5 leopards, a cheetah with 4 cubs and lions mating all in one morning drive. It was insane….felt more like a zoo!!!! Well maybe with al...

“Magda gone”

Position: 41° 03’ 06” North 28° 59’21” (Istanbul)
Distance from Sydney: 15,080km

“Magda gone”.

Driving days in Mozambique

After some
relaxing days in the Inhambane area with our visiting friends from Norway, our
paths took different directions. Actually we both had the same goal, Norway,
but they would return to Johannesburg to hand in the rental car and then fly

Fresh from the Slab......

How many poses are there for this venue....Hoba Meteor. One of the largest in the world evidentially. Not so sure its actually a Meteor myself. If its only 80,000 years old where's the massive crater ?...


No its not been raining here. Hope all you lot in the UK are staying dry. We've not seen rain much on this trip. In fact we have had about 7 instances of rain in the entire 9 months so we can hardly remember what its like. Anyh...

Saturday 4 August 2012

Outdoor Retailer, day 3—security

Securing our gear (or your wallet and passport) is always top on our mind, whether locking up to go on a hike at Grand Canyon or shopping for produce in Congo. Here are few security accessories we spotted at the show:



Outdoor Retailer 2012, day 2 - ultralight tents

At last count I owned 14 tents, and I might have missed a couple tucked away somewhere or loaned out. Clearly there's a bit of an obsession there, and I'm finding enough to keep it stoked at the OR show. Most fascinating are the ultralightweight one ...

Friday 3 August 2012

Carnage on the Grumeti!!!!!

WOW!!!!! Off to the Western Corridor to catch the migration and we were created by a number of Wildebeest that couldn’t make it across and drowned as the days went on the feast got more and more revolting!!!! The dead bodies were held in place by the...

Steering the course

As kids, our family holidays always involved driving.  Escaping the Tasmanian winter, we would tow the pop-top camper van, and later the trailerable yacht to the warm climate of Queensland.  Dad would nearly always drive, and mum would navigate.  Nav...


Chimanimani en Bvumba

Chimanimani en de Bvumba mountains liggen in het oosten van Zimbabwe in de Eastern Highlands. De natuur is er prachtig. We hebben er gewandeld naar watervallen en een berg beklommen. We waren de enigste bezoekers in het nationaal p...

MURP'S HOLLAND..................the Bicycle Dairies Pt II.

Lake Navaisha

Awesome… the summer season. We loved it here but it is wet and I recon this place would be the most epic chill out spot in the summer time!!!

How Working Changes our Travel Style

Jared working on his macHere at Team Life Remotely we travel a bit differently. Not because ...

We zijn weer onderweg! – Duitsland Polen

Hoi allemaal!

We zijn weer onderweg! Deze keer naar Wit-Rusland, Rusland, estland, Letland and Lithouwen. Maar om daar te komen moeten we natuurlijk door Duitsland en Polen. Dat is toch zo’n 1400 km om te overbruggen, en hoewel het waarschijnlijk ...

Zona Cafetera: Good Food, Great Coffee and Awesome People

A horse on a hill, a view from our campsite in Salento.

Outdoor Retailer, day 1

Overland Tech and Travel arrived at Outdoor Retailer in sunny Salt Lake City this afternoon. We managed to visit a couple dozen booths before the happy hours began. Over the next three days we will be reporting on new gear as well as just cool stuff....

Mazatlan -We finally made it to the coast!

We had made good time getting into Mazatlan, so we were confident we would be able to find our campsite before dark. As we drove up the highway, things began to take on the big city feel again. 3 lanes of steady traffic met us about 10 KM bef...



Posted by

Thursday 2 August 2012

Ushuaia 2011 – Dias 7 a 9

Dia 07 – Buenos Aires

Era a primeira vez de Luiz em Baires, então o levei pra dar uma volta andando mesmo pela cidade. Mas ele não curtiu muito. rs  Muita gente, muito cidade grande também. Nós dois estamos numa fase de querer cid...

Pelmeni in Perm

Malawi / Zambia

Malawi kwam in niet voor in onze initiële planning maar uiteindelijk zijn er planningen om aan te passen. De toegankelijkheid van South Luangwa NP in Zambia heeft ons doen besluiten via Malawi te reizen. Entry was erg eenvoudi...

Ramadan in orasul care nu doarme niciodata/ Ramadan In Testosterone City

Cairo 19 - 24/07/2012

In ‘Povestea vraciului evreu’ din cele ‘O mie si una de nopti’ (care au fost scrise in Cairo, si nu in Bagdad) apare acest fragment: ‘Cel care nu a vazut Cairo, nu a cunoscut lumea: pamantul ei e de aur, Nilul ei min...

Return to Guatemala

Posted from Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Mexico.


Return to Guatemala – Photos

Posted from Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Mexico.

Here are some photos from my return visit to...

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Back on the beach!

We hit the
coast just north of Xai-Xai as it began to get dark. The GPS showed a campsite
a few kilometers further and warned us about soft sand on the access roads. As
we took off from the highway a sign told us to air down to 0.8 bar (about 11

South Africa to Mozambique

Girondo Border crossing in the Kruger - Limpopo National Parks We decided
to cross the border at Girondo in the Kruger NP. This is supposed to be a quiet
and easy crossing, and we also wanted to spend time in both Kruger and the
Limpopo NP. As the...

Karakorum – Part 1

An Adventurous Drive: Leymebamba to Cajamarca

We left Kuelap first thing in the morning to try and avoid traffic on the narrow section of the road and we were successful in this. We carried on down the main (dirt) road towards the town of Leymebamba. This is the site of a really good museum whic...