Tuesday 31 July 2012

How to ship a vehicle from Panama to Colombia – Part I

There are plenty of write-ups on the internet on the Panama to Colombia shipping process. Inevitably the process changes and all these guides become irrelevant as I am sure mine will in time. BUT! For now… This is the down and dirty method on how you...


Kuger and Limpopo - RSA to Mozambique

So! Time to get up to date on the blogging. We left off somewhere after crossing the border from Botswana back into South Africa to visit the famous Kruger National Park. Spotting a Leopard crossing the road in front of the cars just after the entran...

Luebecker Nachrichten – an article

A recent article in the Luebecker Nachrichten about our campaign and expedition:


Pe Valea Nilului si de-a lungul Marii Rosii/ The Nile Valley And The Red Sea Coast

Egypt 17 - 19/07/2012

Dupa cum anuntam intr-un ‘fast forward’, dupa cele mai dezgustatoare negocieri si dupa ce am cotizat substantial la bugetul de Ramadan al mafiei d...

Ushuaia 2011 – Dia 5 e 6

Dia 05 – Finalmente começa o passeio

O carro ficou estacionado na frente do hostel e fomos rodar a cidade a pé. O hostel fica bem localizado, pertinho de Los Dedos que foi a nossa primeira parada. E tava frio, viu. Muito frio! Ven...

Captivi in Purgatoriul calatorilor/ Trapped In Travel Purgatory

Egypt, Aswan 11 - 17/07/2012

Ziua 398 din calatorie. Ajungeam in fata ‘Gaurii de sosire’ (sic!) in Egipt, dar cu mai bine de doua milenii intarziere. Egiptul antic era demult istorie, lasand mostenire civilizatiilor urmatoare comori nepre...

Visit – OnCall Africa

Visit – On call Africa, Zambia

What: Mobile clinic
Where: Livingstone region, Zambia
When: 05-06-2012 till 09-06-2012

In Zambia we met Mattea and David Clark, who are two young and ambitious medical doctors from the United Kingdom. They have ...

Working on the Road

The PanAm Shipping Process Part 1 – Panama

We rose early on Monday morning and met the guys from Adventure the Americas downstairs in the hotel lobby for our gratis gourmet breakfast of a cup of coffee and piece of bread. We confirmed everything w...

The Kenyan coastline – Magic!!!

After arriving back on the main land from Lamu, we headed down the Coast in the direction of Mombasa. I had been to Kilifi before and really wanted to take Mike there and show him how beautiful it is. This stretch of the coastline is really amazing a...


Sudan 06 - 11/07/2012

Sunt locuri in lume unde, din cauza climatului extrem, masuratorile meteo pot fi facute numai cu sateliti NASA. Asa arata topul celor mai ridicate...

Sunday 29 July 2012

Group Travel-So You Think it’s not for You? Think Again.

For this...

Lalibela te ingenuncheaza/ Lalibela - Assume Bedazzled Position

Din cauza masivului Mt.Yosef de 4190 de m, Lalibela nu pare ca s-ar afla la 2630 de m altitudine. 8 secole dupa de regele Lalibela din dinastia Zagwe a visat sa fondeze aici un al doilea Ierusalim, acest indepartat orasel ethiopian isi implineste, in...

And next to Italy… Ciao!

So what have 2 Do Africa been upto? … To start with the thing we seemed to be doing the most on this trip is unpacking, re packing, and then packing again however I think ...

Planeta Ethiopia / Planet Ethiopia

Ethiopia 28/06 - 06/07/2012

Avem un sentiment minunat de fiecare data cand aerul este ‘nou’, cum spune Yusuke. Entuziasm, dar si teama naturala de necunoscut. In ...

Ushuaia 2011 – Dias 1 a 4

Dia 1 – Saída de Rio das Ostras

Saímos sem pressa de RO e dirigimos 3 horas até o Rio de Janeiro. Era aniversário da minha mãe então ficamos um pouco lá pra tomar um café, faz uma hora e saímos por volta das 8 da noite para não pe...

Ushuaia 2011 – Preparação

E ai pessoal!  Estava devendo um relato da nossa viagem ao Ushuaia em 2011 e hoje resolvi pagar a dívida. Vou tentar ser sucinta e objetiva sem deixar detalhes importantes de fora, ok? Vou escrever cada parte em um post diferente pra não ficar muito ...

South to Anchorage…

After spending a day on my own to rest my ankle and do some writing, I left Fairbanks this morning and rode down towards Denali National Park, to hook up with the Prudhoe Posse again…

They had ridden the 200 km down there yesterday and had planned...

Amboseli NP

mboseli has the most spectacular back drop……Mt Kilimanjaro!!! The park is spectacular and has a ridiculous number of Elephants so you will definitely have them within a few metres of the car:)

CANADA/USA - Video zum Blog Auf nach Alaska


CANADA/USA - Auf nach Alaska


I Like Bugs

bugsWhy? That is always the question. Why do you like bugs? W...

Four Weddings and a Kremlin

Ethiopia # 2

Gondar Ethiopia
KMS travelled 23,156

With Marianne recovering in bed at Paradise Lodge, with little to do the second day I teamed up with a retired Swedish diplomat, Carl Jungen, who was in Arba Minch in an unofficial ca...


Ne vous méprenez pas, nous ne sommes pas à Paris mais bien au Panama, là bas derrière l'eau (comme disait mon collègue burkinabais quand il parlait de la localisation de la France par rapport au Burkina).
Bref, voilà notre dernier pays sur la liste ...

Through Pakistan by train – a new adventure


We had a run in with the law in Durango!

**Note** I do not have many pictures in this post. Due to the situation outlined below, you will see we were much too busy to take pictures. If you have to have pictures, please read another one of our posts. Thanks!

At Some time during t...

Thursday 26 July 2012

Gocta Falls

The road inland from Lambayeque is a fast good road but it still took us all day to reach Bagua Grande which is a lowland town set amongst rice paddies. We had a very uncomfortable night here where it was hot, wet and there were squadrons of mosquito...

The Crisis Zone

During the planning of the trip, Greece had always been part of the plan.  Neither of us had been there, and I’ve always been a fan of beaches/islands/very-large-cocktails.  However as the euro-zone crisis unfolded we kept a close eye on developments...

A small and awesome break for us both :-)

So, after 3 & 1/2 months Gaila and I will be taking a break from our respective bikes – Lucille and Sassy Pants for a bit of non-motorcycle fun.  I will be fishing with college buddies in Canada – North of Boundary Waters Canoe Area (BWCA) and Ga...

Deep in the Heart of Texas

*** Old post that we never updated…so here it is :-)

Hi all.  Yes it has been awhile since our last update.  Sorry about that.  Both the mil...

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Visit – Global outreach

Wat:               NGO
Waar:             Iringa, Tanzania
Wanneer:      02-07-2012

Onze eerste stop in Tanzania is bij Miraji, een ‘oude’ vriend die ik een aantal jaar geleden heb leren kennen via mijn neef in Neder...

Visit – Kaziwiziwi Dam

What:               Dam providing energy to charcoal mine
Where:             Rumphi Phoka, Malawi
When:              26-06-2012

After a night of camping in the wild, we make a cup of coffee alongside the track, enjo...

Guest Blog – by Ole Doetinchem

In high tide or in low tide…

This morning, lying lazily on a hammock drinking coffee, watching over the ocean at low tide, I found myself wondering about all the commotion out there ...

Solace in the Snowstorm

“I’ve decided I’m a mountain girl”

- Sheena

At 4:30 I dizzily stumbled out of bed.  My skis waited in the car, and as I passed the table by the front door I grabbed the breakfast I’d set out the night before.  By ...

The Devils Spine almost claims another victim!

Hillbillys and GS Giants

We were happy to arrive at the GS Giants rally after spending a couple waterfront nights in Arkansas at Ouachita Lake (pronounced Wash-ta). 

Monday 23 July 2012

Panama City

The Pan-American Highway, a series of roads linking the great white North of Prudhoe Bay, Alaska all the way down to the southern-most reaches of Ushuaia, Argentina. At a total length of just under 30,000 miles, Guinness Book of World Records marks i...

Monterrey to Durango-A harrowing experience!

We packed up to leave Hildago first thing in the morning and met Homero as we were pulling out. Bernard pulled out a bag of clothes, that Jan from Houston had sent with us to distribute to needy kids in Mexico. There were soccer shirts amongst other ...

A Visit to Honda Motos Guatemala

I had developed some combustion problems simlilar to what I had been experiencing when my air filter was clogged up.

I stopped into Honda in Guatemala city to see if I could pick one up. After speaking to a few people the word started to get aroun...

Sunday 22 July 2012

Pause Update No. 2: Minnesota and Oaxaca